
Monday, July 26, 2010

Nope... Not Yet...

Still waiting on internet. Our options are thinning out rapidly, sadly. I still am trying to get to the computer as often as I can and at least say hi.

So... HI!!!

Not much to say at the moment. Revisions are going slow, but going. I've been unpacking, cooking dinner... (Cooking is actually kinda therapeutic for me) crocheting and watching movies. Joy, joy. Oh and reading as well, of course. Our new house is quite large, everyone has their own space and it works out well. My plants are growing large and fast. I have a tomato plant that might need to come inside as it has been mostly cold and rainy around here more than anything. My broccoli is getting huge as well!

My cats are enjoying their race track of a home and we hear them running practically everywhere all night. Silly critters.

Hope everyone is doing well. I will be back in a few days. Have a great week!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

My Tale Of Woe...

So I moved. Yes, it is a pain in the arse, but you know how it goes. Oh well, that is the least, VERY least of my problems.

I called the phone company here to get my phone connected after having to hunt down the physical address at the borough's office. The landlord had forgotten, bless the man. :) Our phone got connected, we had (so we thought) internet! Woohoo!

Alas, we were first told there was an outage in our area with no scheduled repair date. Really?? Then I called back, wondering if I could find out the repair date only to be told that there was no DSL available in our area and we were on a long waiting list.


Then I called to see what my other options were. Well dial-up or MiFi. Hmm... MiFi sounding doable at the time until I walked into the local phone office here in town and was told I had to pay a $250 deposit up front, on top of the already expensive little box I could slip into my back pocket.

Pshaw...I don't think so.

So while I sit and wait for information on either satellite or cable, I will have to bide my time, contemplate my navel and work on my edit of LoBR. Joy.

I'm missing all of you terribly and will at least keep you all posted when I drive into town and stop off at the library to get my internet fix. ;)

Have a great weekend everyone, and a great coming week as well!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Just a quick note...

So, moving is done. Thank goodness! I HATE moving. Anyway, phone service in a small town is just like postal service. S.L.O.W. So I won't be on for at least another week. That way if I get on earlier it will be a surprise. Have a great week everyone and can't wait to start posting stuff again!!