
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

12 Reasons To Sleep In...

1. There is nothing good on television...

2. There is housework to be done...

3. If you wake up later, there won't be so much traffic...

4. The line at Starbuck's will be shorter...

5. The baby slept in...

6. It's raining outside...

7. It's Monday...

8. The cats are curled around your legs and you can't move anyway...

9. It's your spouse/significant other's day off...

10. Your alarm didn't go off...

11. The dog snored all night, keeping you awake...

12. You were up all night working on your next great book...

What are your reasons for sleeping in? I wasn't very creative, but you can be!


  1. Because there is nothing I absolutely have to do!

  2. Because my dorky cat was stepping on me all night.

  3. Because I 'accidentally' 'forgot' to switch on my alarms last night.

    Love this list :)


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