
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

30 Days Of Gratitude: Day 1...

I have found a post on Pinterest. Yes. Pinterest. I'm addicted. I need an intervention.

It's 30 days of gratitude. I need to focus a little more on the positive side of things and I need to sort of take a break from other things I'm working on.

So here goes:

Day One: What smell are you grateful for?

I absolutely love, love, love the smell of fresh cut grass. That is the one I am grateful for. It brings a lot to my senses and invokes peaceful feelings. I could sit outside on a nice, warm, sunny day and just inhale the smell of cut grass.

That smell brings me back to when I was a kid living in Michigan. I certainly didn't smell a lot of it living in Arizona. Then we moved to Alaska, and I think the first time I smelled it, I about passed out from sheer joy. It brought a smile to my face. I couldn't get enough of it. I even volunteered to mow the lawn just so I could smell it.

How about you? What smell are you grateful for?

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Update From My End Of The Universe...

So way back in ... well, I suppose the end of March or April... holy cow, that was a long time ago! I fell in the street, but open my left leg and twisted my right ankle.

My knee has since healed up, but I still can't put pressure on it right now. My right foot is a whole other story. They never gave me the proper equipment, meaning a boot or brace. I had it wrapped and elevated. Over the months it just got worse.

I have since seen an orthopedic doctor and I basically had a rolling sprain, where my foot rolled inside my shoe. I also have bone spurs on my heel, my arch is falling and I have stress fractures in the ball of my foot. Needless to say, it's been painful.

I have spent the last month in a boot, with a knee walker. If you don't know what a knee walker is, it's a scooter for grown-ups with a foot problem. Lol! I also have a cane and crutches when needed.

Recent visit with the doc and I have two more weeks in the boot. After that, I may need an MRI.

Can I just say it's hell to get old? I mean, really. Doesn't help that I have extra weight on me that surely did me no good. I just want out of this boot!

Aside from that, not a whole lot going on. At least, not that I can disclose just yet. I know. Secrets!!!

I'm wanting to try and look on the positive side of things, so I may do 30 days of gratitude posts. Fair warning. ::winks::

I hope you are all well. I hope those of you in the States have a happy and safe 4th of July! I'll see you all soon.