
Thursday, April 15, 2010

M is for...

I could say Murder. Mayhem. Magnificent. Money. Money would be good. No, I don't want to talk about money.

Managing. There we go. How do you manage your life? How do you fit writing in with your busy life if you work, go to school, have children? Managing your time is a constant struggle.
For me, managing my time is pretty difficult. I try to do the majority of my work (I use the term work loosely, folks.) while everyone is at work or school. Late at night I utilize my time and try to write or catch up on blogs. I have to fit cleaning the house, making dinner, doing laundry and all that into my time. When spring and summer hit, I have more to juggle. Visiting family, mowing the lawn, gardening this summer! Woot! And of course I have to try and play World of Warcraft in all of this. Not that it is a major priority, however it is still connecting with a friend who lives in Washington. One we try very hard to keep in touch with and try to play when we can.
It is amazing to me that I get any writing done. Sometimes I don't. I can go for weeks without revising a single word. So on that note, just so you know, I am taking this week off to work on my WIP. (I sound so professional, lol!) I'm going to have to cheat slightly by planning my posts ahead of time. But I still have a daily challenge to live up to. I will read and comment when I can.

Favorite Band: Metallica. Favorite Movie: Memoirs of a Geisha.


  1. Enjoy your week off and happy writing, Mel! :)

  2. Go for it Mel! No need to waste precious WIP time. :)

  3. Work, work, work! Toss everything aside to work on the WIP. Have Fun!

  4. Talk about question of the day. Ever since I started blogging, it has been a very difficult balance. I haven't even ventured on to Twitter yet - who knows what it's going to be like then.

    I have some techniques that help, but they all involve discipline. They work very well when the mood is right. But it seems they don't allow for much laziness...

  5. You certainly have a busy life! lol. Me, I just focus on the screen and ignore the dust bunnies bounding aroud the room. ;-)

  6. Ah Twitter... yeah I signed up with my sister in law Cheri when her publisher requested she get an account. Helps for marketing, of course. At least I'll be prepared when I take the dive into publishing.

    Look for some snippets soon. I be sharing my writing and of course, any feedback is welcome. :D


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