
Friday, April 30, 2010

Oh Look... A Query...

How sad. I don't have a letter to look forward to tomorrow. Now how will I ever entertain you? Just kidding. :D

Well, I want to post a few things. First of all, this week has been horrible for me. Lots of things happening on top of being sick. I won't bore you with my whiny details, though. I will however say I'm glad I thought to schedule a couple of the blogs as I didn't get out of bed some days. If I haven't commented much or responded much, don't take it personally.

I want to thank everyone for stopping by and reading posts this whole month. The drop in comments means you are all taking a well deserved break! I hope you are all patting yourselves on the back, because you should. You all did a great, great job with this challenge!!

I also want to say that don't think me wishy-washy (even though I know I am) about my query letter. I'm going to post it right now, as I had it before I tweaked it. Christi Goddard actually helped me so much! So when I am done ripping it apart, I'll put that up as well and see what you all have to say.

Speaking of Christi, she gave me a wonderful award. I can't pick and choose for this one, guys. I think you are all awesome and I want all of you who comment and follow my blog to please, please take this award. I cannot stress this enough. I will come by your blog and I will check to see if you took it!!!

Maybe. ::Snickers::

Okay, so without further ado (::snorts:: I said 'ado') here is my query letter:

I am pleased to submit for your consideration my fantasy, LEGEND OF BLACK ROSE. In this 55,600 word fantasy, Black Rose is a man chosen above all others as the Champion of Fizanu, goddess of Justice, who finds himself pitted against an Ages old beast.

Rose has come a long way from being an adventurer, father, husband. Even though the world of Eir du'Brusai is young, Rose has watched the twin suns rise and set for hundreds of years. He's witnessed the destruction of a magical city and has seen the creation of a horrible, soul-eating monster. A promise is made to this beast: Lay the soul of Black Rose at the feet of the goddess of the Underworld, Ta'arinuru, and it shall be released from its earth-bound prison.

In a battle that will alter the course of the world, Rose must choose what is best. His death or that of the demon known as the Dourghuun.

Based strictly in a fantasy world of the author's creation, LEGEND OF BLACK ROSE will appeal to readers who enjoy such works as from DRAGONLANCE or FORGOTTEN REALMS and even those who enjoyed THE LORD OF THE RINGS.

If you would like to consider LEGEND OF BLACK ROSE, I would be happy to send the manuscript at your request.

There is one last thing. Okay, two. Again, I have been working on this query. This is the original one. Christi, I sent you one I had already tweaked. But I'm looking at your suggestions! So don't feel you have to respond again.

Second, I'm one follower away from 100! ONE Follower!! I just need ONE more and Cheri and I can hold our awesome Spring Into Reading Give Away!! So spread the word, get me that one last follower so you can all enjoy you some fun stuff. :D

And have I said thanks to all of you lately? Yes. But I'll say it again. Thanks you guys. You are the best!


  1. Congrats on almost a hundred! The query sounds good to me. You say that's the early one?

  2. Yes'm. :D That is the very first one I cranked out. I have since tweaked it a bit, then began working on some suggested changes. So I will post the revised one soon. Still hammering out details.

  3. Congrats on almost 100!

    Your book sounds really interesting! If you don't mind me sticking my nose in, I might suggest removing the first sentence and starting right away with your story pitch. Have you checked out the blog QueryShark by Janet Reid (Google it and it will come up). Of course she's just one agent but she always recommends launcing straight into the story.

    Aren't queries fun... NOT! Good luck - keep us posted!

  4. Thanks Talli! I am working on it at the moment. I've been given some suggestions and am tweaking it. Hopefully I will be able to post the newer one soon and have you all rip that instead. ;)
    I am not a query writer... this was my first attempt ever. So we'll see...we will see. :D


I want to hear what you have to say! And if you're a new follower, please leave your link in the comments so I can follow you back. Thanks!