
Friday, May 7, 2010


If you haven't tallied up your total entries ... you better hurry! I may be the Procrastination Queen and tally up at the last minute, but that's my excuse...what's yours? Hehe!

So we'll be working on the drawing this weekend, Cheri and I. We'll let you know who the winners are on Monday! Woot!
I'm still Crazy Busy Girl. I hope it will end by Saturday. I want to spend Mother's Day relaxing... '...out by the school when a couple of guys who were up to no good started making trouble in my neighborhood...'

Ahem. Sorry. Don't know why the theme song to "Fresh Prince" just popped into my head. It does that sometimes. :D

Have a great weekend. Have a super Mother's Day for all you moms out there. (And single dads who are taking on the role of mom.)

And if you have never heard the beautiful music of Yo Yo Ma, you are missing out! Extraordinary! And a good movie to watch this weekend? Why, Beaches, of course.


  1. Have a great week-end yourself,


  2. YO Yo Ma is amazing. Not so convinced about beaches, but hey it wouldn't make me run screaming!

  3. Great movie. Boy it's been a long time. Happy Mother's Day to you, too!

  4. Happy Mothers Day to you too Miss M! :)

  5. I have never seen Beaches...can you believe it? I think I was living under a rock about the time it came out....

    Oh, and I can't help it, every time I see Yo Yo Ma, I say Yo MaMa

    Have a great weekend!


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