
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Oh, Yeah...

Wow... my fingers got faster than my brain again for a moment. I posted a blog titled, "Oh" with no body. Go me.

Anyway! I am extremely happy with my decision to redo the beginning of LoBR (Legend of Black Rose). It is moving along swiftly now, even if I am not. My word count is:


Not bad considering I've been so on the fence about this for awhile that I have to get back into the swing of things. However, having Rose in a specific setting and using his thoughts and memories to tell how he got there is definitely better. See? Never ignore your instincts.

My daughter is home for her first day of Summer Vacation and she's already bored and playing video games. Sheesh! But that's pretty funny. Sadly she has to go to summer school. If she doesn't, she won't be graduating on time. You know what this means don't you? My daughter is now a Senior in high school.

::Gasps for breath, clutching her chest::
WHERE did the time GO!? I usually don't put her picture up on the internet... ::looks around suspiciously:: but I will make an exception today. She's got a FaceBook page, so it isn't like this pic isn't already out there. But here she is, dressed for her Junior Prom this year.

It just isn't fair. They grow far too fast. Sort of like our WIPs. One day they're just words on your computer and the next, they're a book in your hand, out in the world and people are judging you on how you "raised/wrote" it.

Alright, back to the grind-stone for me. I should be ready to post a good bit of it over the next couple of days. Woot! Have a great rest of the week, everyone!


  1. Look forward to hear from you, I love reading your post.

    You too have a good week-end.

  2. I saw that post and DID wonder...

    Have a great weekend! Glad the re-do is going well

    AND there's a little something for you over at my blog *hugs* *skips away*

  3. The children/WiP analogy is SO PERFECT... first we are totally madly in love, devoting every minute. Then suddenly they are draining our very life from us and we don't think we will make it, and then it is almost OVER and you wonder what the heck happened as it rushes to an end.

    Glad the rewrite is going so well!

  4. Oooh Mia! I'm on my way over. And yes, Hart, totally!

    I'm excited to share so you all won't have to wait very long. Just a bit more work to do.

  5. If she needs any video game recommendations, send her my way!

  6. Wow so true for both the teenager and the wip. I've had and still am dealing with them. They pull at your heartstrings in more ways than one and it is so hard to let them go when the time comes. Good luck in the next few years with your daughter and wip.

  7. Your daughter is lovely! Love that shade of blue. Mine is going to be a sophomore and I'm just sitting here shaking my head. Wasn't she waking me up like every 90 minutes just a week ago? (big sigh)


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