
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Well That Was Cool...

Elana Johnson's got herself a book deal! Go congratulate the woman! She deserves it.

Now I know my instincts (and the voices in my head) were right about changing up the opening chapters of my Legend of Black Rose WIP. I feel comfortable writing it, I'm not getting stuck in the same place after revising, revising, revising...

So yeah... I'll update my progress for you here in just a moment. It won't match the little blue bar in the upper right hand corner for awhile until I get caught up.

Current word count for latest revisions is: 3,840. Yep. I have some catching up to do. Hopefully I will get some writing in this weekend. And some packing. And some preparing.

You heard right. Packing. I'll be moving July 1st. While I hate moving, I am looking forward to this move. Closer to town, cheaper rent. I won't be stuck in the winter time and have to explain to everyone I was hibernating. Like a freakin' bear.

Before that, in like nine (9) days... my mom and son come for a visit! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! No. Not excited. Not at all. My son is 6'4" and 16. Haven't seen him for a couple of years and every time I talk to him, his voice gets deeper. He's my baby. My daughter is the oldest. She's 17.

Life will be getting a little more interesting, a little more hectic, but I hope to keep on task with the writing. I promised, didn't I? And my garden. Must. Garden. My poor beans didn't make it. They got too cold. (They're for Alaska and they got too cold.) So I will be starting over. No big deal, once we move, I'll build little beds. And the vegetables will be mine! Muahahaha!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


  1. After a couple years absence, you won't even recognize him! Have fun during the visit.

  2. Well done to Ellie. will go over and congratulate her,


  3. Tagged you in a little game of Blog Tag here:

  4. Have a fabulous visit with your son, and good luck with the move. MAN, I hate moving.

  5. I hope the move goes smoothly :)Good luck catching up with your writing too. And RIP beans :(


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