
Friday, May 14, 2010

Whaddya Say...

So I've been thinking of getting a critique group together. It is hard for me to pull one together in the town I live in, because if you are not writing about Alaska, you are not an author. ::rolls eyes:: At least that is how it FEELS sometimes. People here are not that bad, really.

At any rate, I have a website that has forums. I can even add a chat if I have to. I'd like to see who all would be willing to join up and what not.

I do already belong to an awesome critique group and am not wanting to pull away from it, but I have had several others ask me about getting one together. So I thought I would put the idea out there. Here is the link to my website forum and topic for this group. If that doesn't work, just go to

www(dot)mlchesley(dot)webs(dot)com and you'll find the Forums link.

What am I looking for? People willing to read and offer feedback chapter by chapter. Tell me what your preferences are on how often you would like to meet and if you think the forums will work or if we should open up a chat. Also state your genre reading preferences. I will read just about anything. I've even read *gulp* romance. But no erotica or sex in every other chapter sort of writing please. That is just my preference.

I hope everyone has a good weekend. I'm off to be Busy Girl! Joy of joys. Hehe!


  1. I would like to try, I'm not always good with internet stuff, but I've been hoping for a critique group, so I would try really, really hard.

    I tend to read fantasy, and mot of the time I stick with young adult or younger, but I'm willing to read Adult Fiction as long as it's not too graphic and doesn't a lot of language. I just can't read books with language, it doesn't keep me interested.

    I'm excited, and hope this works out :D

    Oh, and I like your new backgrounds. Fancy.

  2. I'm not up for that at this point but it sounds interesting. Hope you get some takers!

  3. 1. OMG I know I lurk and I've neglected my follower duties of late *hangs head in shame* but can I just say WOW! I LOVE THIS LAYOUT SOO MUCH. I might just live here *settles down*

    *COUGHS* Sorry

    2. I think that sounds like an aces idea! Um, I'm not sure if I'm the ideal candidate but if allowed I would TOTALLY be willing to give feedback in exchange for cookies and help with my stuff. I read pretty much anything although like you I'd veer away from the erotica etc just out of personal preference. I write YA anything although usually it's paranormal. :~)

  4. Lol, Mia! Feel free to settle in, I love me some pirates. :D And i like paranormal stuff too, so no worries there!

    Thanks for the comments, I appreciate hearing your feedback. ;)

  5. Sounds like a good idea.
    Enjoyed your post as usual.
    Enjoy the week-end.


  6. I'll have to think on it. Part of me wants to, the other is hesitant. I'm not sure I want to take on another obligation a this time.

    But, I love the idea of having a crit group go through with unbiased eyes and see my weaknesses so that I can improve my writing. I also know I'd learn a lot from reading others mss with an eye towards finding places to improve it.

    Hmmm...I'll have to think on it a few days.

  7. I think it's a great idea! I know I'll need one eventually, I'm just not sure if I have the time to invest right now whilst I'm working, mothering, and writing. You won't have trouble finding enough people to fill up the group though!

  8. I am interested in a crit group, but not sure if I can commit right now as I am *supposed to be* getting some major rewites worked into my ms. Keep me on your list. My WIP is YA Fantasy.


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