
Monday, May 9, 2011

Aww, Shucks...

Well I had an awesome Mother's Day, thanks to my family. Got to do a whole lot of nothin', which is becoming more the norm these days... Anyway... I want to share a few links with all of you. First of which is a song my daughter wrote for me and posted on You can see it here: Her Hero (Original)

Also, when I woke up today, I had an email waiting for me from Jen over at "A Book, A Girl, A Journey" telling me she had awarded me the "Stylish Blogger" award.

Woot! It has been awhile since I have received an award, so thank you so much Jen! I love it!

And as usual, I must pass it on with rules. I have thanked Jen, who bestowed the award and I have to give the award to five (5) new bloggers. So I have found five (well, more than five) more blogs to follow! That is always awesome, of course. And I have to tell you seven (7) random things about me. Oh boy.

Ok, so here goes!

1) I have obsessive compulsive tendencies. Basically meaning I have germ phobias about certain things. No, I'm not like Monk in the fact I have to have a wipe after shaking hands, but that isn't a bad idea....
2) I am addicted to Word Whomp over at If you play over there, you can find me under CapnSorcha.
3) Hmm...harder than I thought. I play Alliance on World of Warcraft. (Probably already knew that... lol)
4) I have watched the entire first season of "Glee" through Netflix.
5) I write fantasy but I am a Horror fanatic at heart.
6) I did try my hand at writing Horror and failed... epically.
7) Let's see.... I don't like country music. (Don't hate me! lol)

Okay, phew! That is finally over. Now I can move on to the fun part! I get to give the award away. Woohoo! The Stylish Blogger Award goes too.....

1) Pamela at Reviews She Rote
2) Marcie at To Read or Not To Read
3) Cheryl at Cheryl's Musings
4) Charissa at A Day In the Life of An Aspiring Author
5) Scott Niven at Scott Niven - Author

That's about it for today! Hope everyone had a great weekend, mothers or not. Have a great week as well!


  1. Aw, thank you! What a nice surprise to discover on a Monday morning :). Not only that, you've given me my first-ever blog award :D. Thanks!

  2. Most welcome, Pamela and I'm so glad I could make your day, Cheryl. :D

  3. Hi Mel! Thanks so much for my award! I'll be posting about it and nominating people for it in my next post!

    Thanks again!!! :)


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