
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hey, Guess What?...

So I have been looking for a way to do book reviews. I still want to do author interviews and guest blogs as well as HAVE guests post on here as well... So I was reading through some discussions on my Book Blogs pages. I met up with the very wonderful Melissa Snow over at My Chaotic Ramblings. I'll be doing reviews on her blog!

I'm super excited.

So when I do a review, I'll post up a link over here and let you all come on over and check it out. Hopefully soon I'll be doing some other reviews here and all the other cool stuff I have already mentioned.

Hope your Wednesday is going well, Friday is almost here!


  1. That sounds wonderful! I can't wait to read your first review!

  2. I look forward to reading some of your reviews! :)

  3. Yep, I'm super excited! I should have a review up today, so keep an eye out for a link!

  4. Glad to have you on board hun:) I should be adding some more books to the list this coming week, so be on the look out for them:)

  5. Woohoo! I can't wait! Thanks for adding me to your lovely team. :D


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