
Thursday, July 7, 2011

I Wanna...

I wanna do a giveaway! I'm currently working my little tush off (okay, so it ISN'T little, but that's besides the point...) trying to reach 500 followers!

I'll leave comments, I'll follow new people. I'll do whatever it takes. Well... almost whatever it takes. ;)

I also wanted to let you all know, I'm looking for guest posts. I'm also willing to do guest posts, but sometimes I don't know what exactly to post on someone else's blog. I'll work off of a topic, that suits me just fine. I know I can't always drop my little excerpts from my WIP, it isn't published and that's no fun because then people will want to read it and I have... nothing. Bah. Anyway, I still want to do this stuff.

Reviews ~ I love doing reviews! I know all you published authors out there need them. ;) What I need from you, though, is the book. Either in a download format or the actual book... I'm all for purchasing the book as well, but there are times when money is tight and I just can't buy the book. I will post my review here in my blog as well as online where your book is being sold. I have good review skills, I'm just pretty lax on my blog when it is a book that has been out awhile and dozens of reviews have already been done. I just like to add my two cents of course. More often than not, if I have an issue with the book, I'll email you personally before posting the review. Not everyone wants to have the negative aspects plastered all over the internet. But if that's what you want, I will do that. I'm honest, brutally honest. At least it comes across that way.

So yeah! I'm hoping to get to 500 followers by the end of August. I really do have some cool prizes and can't wait to let you all know what they are. ::Dances:: Have a great rest of the week! It is almost over!


  1. You don't have to wait until 500 to do a giveaway. I've seen a lot of bloggers do giveaways and blogfests at all the big round numbers. Shoot for 200 and do it then. :)

  2. @ Sarah ~ Weeeelllll.... the prizes I want to give away are more of a 500 follower deal. :D I'm patient, I can wait and I have been networking like crazy. I've gained lots of followers in a very short time! I might concede though and maybe shoot for 300, I'm halfway there. :D

    @ Nina ~ Thanks! This is going to be fun!

  3. Crossing my fingers for you! I have no doubt you'll reach your goal! :)

  4. Best of luck reaching 500 followers by the end of August. You can do it! I know you have one more follower already (aka me!) ;)

  5. I will remember you when it's time for my blog tour of my new novel. But it will probably be more like Sept or Oct not August. Still, I'd love to have you be a part of it!

  6. @ Rachel ~ Woohoo! Thanks for following and thanks for the luck. :D

    @ Karen ~ Karen I would love to be a part of it! Even if it is in Sept. or Oct. That would be awesome. ;) Thanks!

  7. Go Mel! Good luck getting to the shiny 500 :D:D:D


I want to hear what you have to say! And if you're a new follower, please leave your link in the comments so I can follow you back. Thanks!