
Thursday, July 14, 2011

You Know You're A Writer When...

You characters begin to remind you of your children.

They're often whiny and scramble for your attention...

They wake you up at all hours of the night!

They fight over the tiniest details and if you don't dole out equal gifts, they argue more...

If you don't pay attention to them, they get pouty...

If you don't give them the better scenes, they storm out of the room...

If you DO give them the better scenes, they rub it in the other characters faces...

They were born out of love. :D


  1. I gave my MC a "new" first wife and the origional wife literally WALKED OUT OF MY HEAD! I didn't hear from her for three weeks. Sheesh they are spoiled aren't they.

  2. I guess I've scared my characters into submission...

  3. Haha! Why am I not surprised the old wife walked out... That's just funny.
    And Alex, I'd love to know what you did! I might need to use some military tactics here soon. :D

  4. Nameless says, "I think I'm in love! A woman who loves and understands her characters!

    Honestly, Caledonia Lass, you are definitely "in tune". Carol

  5. Ooohh... more than you know. lol!


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