
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Don't You Hate It When...

I'm on a revision high of some sort. I can tell I'm working my hardest on this book simply because of the lack of sleep, the odd dreams when I do sleep and the fact that I'll get something I need to add/change in the book and it will eat at me until I get it done.

I'm rambling, which is fine. I tend to do that anyway. But I do hate it when an idea crops up in my brain JUST as I'm falling asleep and, bad writer that I am, don't have a notebook near my bed. I stressed all night that I would forget what I wanted to do, but I was so tired I didn't want to fire up my laptop at 4 a.m.

What do you do when you get that idea during the night? Do you stagger out to the computer, hoping you don't knock your shin against the chairs and wake up the whole household? Do the pets stare at you like you're a moron for pulling a blanket around your head to cover the glare of the monitor? Or do you just ignore the voices in your head until you finally drift back to sleep?


  1. I'm usually asleep within a minute of hitting the pillow, so my brain doesn't have a chance to wander.

  2. Bah! You and my husband... I swear. I WISH I could fall asleep like that. No fair. :P

  3. Blah, I hate my brain for doing that too! Especially because for the past month I have been editing, it's crazy. I was having dreams of my character's talking to me and telling me what to change in my story. Their idea's were absolutely horrible, by the way.

    Here's what you keep a pen by your bed. And when you get a brilliant idea in the middle of then night, don't turn on lights or anything like that, just scribble on your arm a few words that will make you think of what you were going to write. Then in the morning just look at your arm, and get to writing!

  4. Christina, that's awesome, lol! Characters should not try to edit. Mine have good ideas once in awhile, but poor Vendras just wants to take over the limelight. I keep telling him he'll have his own story one day.

    Hmm... I think if I did that, I might wake up and have scribbled on my husband, my legs, my cats...


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