
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Late To The Party...

Yesterday was Wednesday! (Yes, Mel, that was very good but we all know that. The calendar told us.) It was also the first posting from Alex's Insecure Writing Group.

First, let me just say, Alex. Pure Genius.

I'm finding that I want to leave a comment on everyone's post! But I was a bit late to the party.

I had plans for Wednesday, plans to get up, visit everyone's blog for the big event. But I was met with, "Need to get up early, I have plane reservations to make." That was from my mom. I don't want to see her visit end, but I dragged my butt out of bed after a bout of insomnia and went to the travel agency. I was so flipping tired, I took a nap. But it didn't end there. I've been promising her we'd go play Bingo before she left. So we went.

I won $7.50 because I had to split a $15 pot. But better than nothing at all!

By the time I got home, settled things for the night and fired up the laptop... I made it to 8 other blogs. Out of 125 people!

But that is okay, my plan got pushed back a day. So I will be visiting, commenting and following.

Now I just want to say: Awww! You guys are so cool. Thanks for the comments left by all of you wonderful, insecure writers! I haven't gotten around to leaving my own personal comment, but thanks everyone for dropping by!

I'll be seeing you soon unless of course I've already left you a comment.

Have an awesome rest of the week!


  1. Life happens! Yesterday was wild. I think I blew my daily blog visit total out of the water.

  2. Alex, you started an awesome thing! I know my followers have increased as have the number of people I follow. Meeting some awesome people and it is all thanks to you. :D

  3. No worries, Mel. I only managed a handful of comments myself. I intend to make a proper stab at it this weekend. Better late than never, right?

  4. ahh Mel - such a great feel to this place! & yes, Alex is a genius, but we
    're all discovering each other now, too. Such a dream. I am rivetted by your Caledonian ref -- becos, maybe I don't say it anywhere but my older posts allude to fact that I still ;live in the Scotchmist!! you seem to have genetically escaped it.
    And - would you review my 'Phantom's Child' ? would you? How do I get you a copy? you see how handless I am?
    Thanks for all your 'stuff'

  5. @Youngblood~ I'd be happy to review your book! My email is up here, you can contact me that way and we can work out the details. :D


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