
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Reject Me, Please...

Wow, just saw that this will be my 299th post. Awesome!

I just have to share that this past week or so, I've been feeling more and more like a "grown up" writer. I've been researching publishing companies, I've been looking on Absolute Write's: Writer's beware section. This is the place where people can give you their personal feedback and experiences with companies and or agents.

I've written my query letter. I'm working on my synopsis. My betas are reading my revisions. And the only thing I have panicked about is my query letter. But that's okay, it is going to be reviewed and critiqued. But I'm a big girl, I can handle the rejections that come my way now. A few years ago, if someone had said a bad word about my writing I would have crumbled. But now? I have quite a thick skin.

I feel like I can now validate any sort of writing advice I put up here. Things I can tell you what worked, what didn't. It is a bit of a strange feeling. An the oddest part is, I'm sort of looking forward to getting some rejections.


  1. Glad you're excited! Take it Matthew will be posting your query soon?

  2. He said it would be this week. I'm scared as hell, but also looking forward to it. :D

  3. I just wish I knew the reason for the rejections. Is the query bad? my premise? they're not taking new clients? Why! I'd look forward to those rejections. The writing I'm doing with this alter-ego will never have to go through that. It's sort of nice. Meanwhile, real me is plugging away. Good luck.

  4. Good luck to you as well. I'm sure I will get those rejections with no reason as to why. I'll just have to kill the curious side of me and deal with it. :D

  5. Yeah!! I hope everything works out for you :)


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