
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

No NaNo For Moi...

I would like to do NaNoWriMo this year, since I skipped last year. But, same thing happened this year as last year. I started working. I'm sure I could juggle it, but trying to submit my first book, write the query and the synopsis and everything else on my plate, I sort of have to decide what else to add.

My social eyes are far larger than my social stomach.

If I can swing it, I'll wing it. We'll see.

So I am moving on November first. Sort of fitting, it being a moving day for the Fey. All Saints Day. I've got boxes in the house and the cats are still in the "Ooh! What's this?!" Stage. Soon, they'll panic and run. Can you blame them? Getting their furry little butts stuffed into a duffel bag with air vents...

We're having beautiful weather this fine October week and my week has started off with a great bang. I'm hoping you are all having a good week, I'm trying to spread the glittery love!


  1. I can't even imagine moving. Maybe when the kids are grown and on their own so I only have to move my stuff.

  2. Moving sucks, indeed! But I am looking forward to this one. :D

  3. Moving on top of it might be tough, but I was working full time last year when I participated in NaNo. You can do it!

  4. It would be great to see you around NaNo Land, but a full plate of social engagements could deter anyone. I hope the move goes well!

  5. Hope you'll be able to participate, Mel. I'm still 50/50 on NaNo, but I think I'll probably give it a shot :)

  6. I wanted to do it, too, but I'm stressed enough as it is. I'm probably going to pass again.

  7. You know, I may go ahead and do it and if I don't make the goal, oh well. I really love NaNo. <3
    But I hear you, Joshua. I feel the same way.
    Jamie if you do it, I'll do it. ;) Ha! Kidding. Hehe

  8. Good luck on your writing life! Sometimes the social eyes are too big for the social stomach :) (I know how you feel)


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