
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

This Is One Post I Can't Schedule...

I'll be making a small change to my blog profile, but even though I will only be changing a couple of words, its a super huge deal.


I have gotten a contract from Hellfire Publishing. My book, Shadow of the Rose, Book One: Adversarius, has been accepted and will most likely be a Spring/Summer release!

This is sort of why I was scrambling to get the query and synopsis done. Awhile back, on FaceBook, Dawn Binkley (HP Editor) had mentioned to me that they accept Fantasy submissions. So I thought, hmm... why not? That is when I began editing, looking for beta readers, working on the query and synopsis.

I polished them all to the best of my ability and followed the submission guidelines to a 'T' and was accepted. I submitted the work on my birthday. XD That was my present to myself.

I've done my homework this time. The only thing I can find out there that slams Hellfire is on the Absolute Write Water Cooler about grammatical errors on their website. The contract is sound and pretty average. In my heart, I feel this is a good fit for me, a better start than before with the Evil PA.

So there ya go! I'm super excited! Woohoo!!!


  1. YAAAAAY! *doing the happy dance for you*

    Congratulations. Did your homework, did the hard work and now reaping the rewards!


  2. Congratulations!! *throws confetti* That's great news!

  3. Excellent news! October is an awesome month for you and me both. Here's to us! :D

  4. Thanks so much! ::Dances with you all, throws confetti too::
    And woohoo Ruth!!

  5. YEA!!!!!That is fan-freakin-tasktic! Good for you! And I can't wait to read it! You go, girl!

  6. Awesome!!! Major congrats to you, Mel!

  7. Thanks so much everyone! I love you guys, you're the best author support around! ::hugs to everyone::

  8. Awesome news. Congrats! Making that change from "writer" to "author" must be a fantastic feeling. I hope to do the same some day.

  9. Thanks Matthew and Sarah, mainly for putting up with me. :D

    And Joshua, I'll be there when it happens to you!

    Thanks everyone. :D


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