
Thursday, October 13, 2011

What Inspires?...

You know, I look back over the last 6 months or so and see how much I have grown as a writer. Going through the processes of the query letter, the synopsis, the editing and all that. Makes me very glad I have author friends out there willing to help.

See, I'm like that as well. I don't want to drag down any author. I would rather help and promote them. I want to read what you have before you send it off to find your typos. Only because they're my pet peeve. (She says as she makes error after error and has to hit 'backspace'...)

I even look on the Cosrin boards every so often and cringe at what I wrote there. But that's okay.

It's just nice to reflect every so often on what I have done in the past. What inspired me so much still inspires me today. I absolutely love writing. Even with all the headaches. But, that's how we learn, right?

So do the things that inspired you to begin writing still inspire you today?


  1. I enjoy the writing still, but now I think I enjoy encouraging others even better.

  2. I agree, Alex. I think encouraging others is pretty fun!

  3. Amen to helping our fellow writers! Glad that you've been helped and our spreading the help around:) And catching typos is very useful too;)

  4. Absolutely! Pay it back, and this community is amazing at supporting one another.

  5. I think my inspiration has changed. It was initially a pang of jealousy and realisation that I could give it a shot if others could (hey, I was 12, and kids have selfish reasons :P)

    Now I've become even more enamoured with writing and since starting to blog I've found an awesome community. You guys keep me going :)

  6. Yes! I love this community of authors I have found. And Jamie, I hear ya. These guys keep me going as well. Glad we could reciprocate. :D


I want to hear what you have to say! And if you're a new follower, please leave your link in the comments so I can follow you back. Thanks!