
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Author Support Post...

Well, it has been awhile since I have done a post like this. I'm trying to keep up with these and promoting as I discover people. I've just begun reading a new author by the name of Joseph Lallo. Click on his name to get over to his website.

While I am only at the beginning of this book, The Book of Deacon, I'm finding that I like his writing style and his idea for this book. I'll more than likely be getting the rest of his books as soon as I have some spare cash. (Ha! What is this thing I speak of??)

You can find a list of his books over at Smashwords.

Once I am done with the book, I will put up a full review. But he's a new favorite and seems to be self published. I love finding these little gems when looking for books.

I'm also looking for some suggestions as far as books go. No romance unless it has a really good plot, please.

Another author I've stumbled across and not exactly sure how long she's been at it, is Cricket McRae. I read her book, "Lye In Wait" and adored it. The MC is a home crafter and she even supplies some recipes for things at the end of the book like lotion bars. I used to love doing stuff like that and the recipe sounds amazing. I can't wait to try it!

So there are two authors I'm supporting. Who's on your list?


  1. The cover for The Book of Deacon is fabulous! :)

  2. Yeah, the cover for the first one is cool! Need to check the iBookstore. And purchased RaShelle's, Jessica's, and Ali's books this month.

  3. Yeah I like the cover for Deacon. The story is really good so far too. I'll add those covers over to the side bar later today. I've got some other authors I have found and will be doing more posts. Thanks for the comments guys!

  4. The first cover is very strong. I've been reading a lot of fantasy this year for the first time in my life. I loved Peter V Brett's, The Warded Man. It might have been the standout book for me this year.

    Also just finished Daryl Gregory's, Raising Stony Mayhall... powerful book.


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