
Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday Again...

Usually the Monday after Thanksgiving is pretty slow for me. On Black Friday, I typically would hide out in my house. Being in a small town, though, I had to work and that was all right. The stories kept pouring in about how crazy people got.

Cyber Monday, well normally I don't hang out on the internet on that day either. Things tend to slow way down. But I haven't posted in awhile.

I was watching Vampire Diaries on Netflix. It's not bad. But it got me to thinking...

Who started the whole Vampires walking in daylight stuff? I know Blade could. Then again, he's one bad ass vampire slayer.

Edward, well, we won't go there. Sorry to any Twilight fans....

Now we have Stefan with a special ring. I think. Hey, I only watched a couple of episodes. Don't even know if Damon can walk in daylight.

My gripe with vampire and zombie novels has always been this: Do something different for pity's sake!!!

Well, these days, most authors are doing something different with vampires. Not sure about zombies simply because I am not a big zombie fan. I don't know why, please don't hurt me for that statement.

One thing is for sure, though. Vampires have been brought out of the darkness over the years. They can walk in daylight, so they are no longer the Creatures of the Night we once knew. Oh, and I will give kudos to Ms. Meyers for making her vampires vegetarians, so to speak.

Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. Where applicable of course. Hehe!


  1. Blade was a bad-ass vampire!
    Ever see a small film called "Sundown: A Vampire in Retreat?" Mid-80s with Bruce Campbell. Those vampires were vegetarian and walked around in daylight...

  2. That it is, Michael.

    And no, Alex. Never saw that and I like Bruce Campbell. I will have to look for that. :D

  3. Not sure where I stand on the vampires in daylight issue. On the one hand, it does make them a little more threatening if you have to watch out for them night AND day...but on the other hand I'm ready for a new trend. Aliens? Mermaids? Poltergeists? There's gotta be something new out there!

  4. Modern vampire mythology annoys the hell of out me, to the point that I came up with the idea of a group of vampires that, rather than attempt to walk out in the daylight, were trying to create a permanent eclipse so it would always be night. No sparkling in my world, thank you!

    Blade I can understand since he's a half-breed; but the rest of them have no excuse :P

    @Alex - if it has Bruce Campbell in it, I'm there. Thanks for the heads up :)

  5. Yeah Vicki, I'm ready for a new trend as well.

    And Jamie, that sounds really cool. :D


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