
Saturday, December 17, 2011


Christmas is creeping up on me so fast! I don't even have my tree up yet. I'm sort of sad about this as Christmas is one of my most favorite holidays. Ranks right up there with Halloween, usually.

For some reason, I just don't feel much in the Christmas spirit. The day after Thanksgiving, Christmas music was already on the radio at my work. Black Friday, well that is always a joke. I can't imagine people mauling others for the latest deal on a DVD release or new video game.

Is that truly the "Reason for the Season"? I certainly hope not.

These last couple of months have been stressful. We moved, we had to put our oldest kitty, Colby, down. Our family unit has been split up and work has been increasing for me gradually. Seems like every time I asked my boss for more hours, I got them and something would happen. She's been a very understanding, kind boss and I am thankful for her and my supportive co-workers.

Things just still seem 'off' for me. Probably because my daughter is out on her own and my son is living with us. All sorts of changes and adjustments that I am still not used to. Don't get me wrong, I am happy about having both my kids here with me finally. But all of this has been a hard change. I'm feeling more of an "empty nest" syndrome than I thought I would. I'm dwelling on the fact that my son will be 18 in February and well, he'll be next to move out.

Sometimes the holidays get to me. I don't mean for this post to be all doom and gloom. I look forward to spending time with my family and perhaps we can get that tree up this weekend. Then it will feel more like Christmas and I can focus on having a happier New Year.

If I don't post much this week, I want to wish all of you a safe and happy holiday!


  1. I hope things will brighten up and you'll be able to have a happy holiday season. I think sometimes life just hits a dip in the road, but it'll always straighten back out :) HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

  2. Have a happy holiday and a Merry Christmas.

    Here's one thing that may brighten your outlook. Even though this Christmas is shaping into a real downer...the hope of a brand spanking and sparkly new year is right around the corner. Who could have predicted all the things that happened in 2011?

    2012 will have many surprises. We are both publishing books, and who knows what the future has in store for us.

    My thoughts are this. It's okay to be down about Christmas. That doesn't mean that it will always be down. There is always hope for a better tomorrow.

  3. Aww thanks you two. :) I'm getting better. I am going to get my tree up and decorated, put the presents underneath and I even have a fireplace to hang stockings over this year. It's getting better. :D
    And you're right, Michael! We are getting published and who knew? I'm excited for the new year.

  4. I'm kind of in the same drudge. Not feeling it yet. Hopefully soon.


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