
Thursday, December 15, 2011

What Am I...

Yesterday, my blogger's block kicked in. So I went over to my favorite prompt sites and I have a little something for you. Try to guess the point of view I'm writing from if you'd like a bit of fun.

Here goes...

"I'm going to fall," I say to no one in particular. "I've never been quite this close to the edge before. What if a good stiff breeze comes along? Will I shatter? Will everything inside of me spill out to be exposed?"

"I've seen it happen before, you know. Perhaps I will survive the fall, but if I hit just right I may break. I can't believe how close to the edge I am. I have never been in this position before and quite frankly, I'm scared."

"In all of my existence, I have been on more stable ground. I have always known my place, how far from the edge I've been. Sure I have come close to the precipice, forgotten a few times, even. Once, I stood upon a pedestal for days on end. But I've always come down. Secure in a firm grasp."

"I don't know what will happen this time. Perhaps the dog will walk by, his tail wagging carelessly and I'll be done for. Once I have gained any sort of momentum, there will be no stopping my fall. Even if someone were to see me and dive under me, I may very well break. Perhaps I will hurt that person as well, cutting into them like that, should I crack. What am I to do? I've never been taken advantage of like this in the past. People just think they can place me anywhere, not giving a second thought to my surroundings. They all think that I'll be all right. That nothing can happen to me. Perhaps I should just push it from my mind. If I fall, that will teach them to be more cautious of anothers fragile state. Would they learn the lesson? Or will they be just as careless with others as they have been with me?"

Okay. Think about what I have just written and tell me if you can guess what I am. I look forward to hearing your guesses! Have a great day, everyone!


  1. I'm going to guess a vase. Or a picture frame. Can I make two? :) That was really fun! I enjoyed it a lot, and I can't wait to find out what you are! It was very well written, I think.

  2. Lots of good guesses! I'll post up the answer tomorrow. Thanks for playing along!

  3. oh man, i don't know. I was thinking a vase, but i'm not sure i'm fully committed to that guess...


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