
Monday, January 2, 2012


I've started the New Year off with a bang. I didn't do anything for New Year's eve, which was completely fine. I'm turning into such a homebody. But I gotta do what I gotta do.

I haven't exactly set goals for the new year, but I have decided to make some life changing alterations that I can meet without feeling disappointed in myself for being a slacker. Let's be realistic, right? Right!

I used to drink a soda every single day up until about a year or so ago. I stopped drinking soda and found I felt better and even lost weight. Lately, thought, I've been slipping more often than not. It's easy when you work in a convenience store. You get free drinks. So rather than reaching for the water button, I pick soda. First I only did it once a week, but now I find I drink it more than I should. So I've resolved to go back to my no soda policy. Sure, I indulge when I go out to eat, but I don't go out often enough that it will become a problem. This is something I know I can stick to because I've done it before.

Writing. I've slacked off since signing my contract. I need to get back into the groove of revising and editing. So I have to push myself and stop procrastinating. Again, I've done it before, I can do it again. Easy peasy.

The last thing I want to work on is getting into some semblance of shape. I'm used to changing my diet to eat healthier. We have to, my husband and I. He has diabetes and he controls it with diet. I changed my eating habits to conform to his so we don't have to worry about separate meals or anything I'm eating tempting him. I just need to keep adjusting my diet and add some exercise in there. Gotta keep moving. Even if I look like a dork.

So making some decent resolutions this year will be pretty easy and I know I'll be able to keep them and not feel bad for slacking.

Happy New Year, everyone. Now you can sit back and relax until Valentine's Day.


  1. You've got some great health resolutions, ones you know you can commit to since you've been there, done that and bought the T-Shirt.

    I'm still so excited that you've got the contract under your belt. Now back to the 'writing grind', I guess you can call it :-)

    May 2012 spectacular and health fun.

  2. Those are some admirable goals you've got, Mel. The only thing I have regularly enough to cut out of my diet is the sweet nectar of coffee, but I don't think I have the will do take it away!

    Hope you have an awesome 2012!

  3. Great diversity in those resolutions! :) I only drank diet sodas, but I've stopped. It was part of my be more earth aware resolution. To avoid all the additives and crap in those things. Of course, I flavor my water with the flavor packets, so I'm not sure how much better those are for you. But I'm addicted. I have less bloating, at least, without the soda.

    Health is sooo important. I'm doing the last few things I can do to improve my health - quit smoking, I cut way back on sodium, and getting enough sleep every night. I started about 2 weeks ago, and so far, so good.

    You can do it! And you have us here to help support you!

  4. Yeah for January--after Christmas-New Year madness and before Valentine's Day. It seems you and I did about the same thing on Dec. 31st. I loved being home and quiet after all the family, friends excitement on the 25th.

    Stopped in to say hi from the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Have a wonderful 2012.

  5. If you and your husband are both eating well, it will be easier to do than if just one of you is trying!

  6. Thanks everyone! I'm here to support you in your resolutions as well. We all know by now that support works.

    Thanks for dropping by from the IWSG, I appreciate it. I am still working my way around that list, so I will see you soon!

  7. Man, most of the goals you have are mine as well. Those are the top three things I need to work on. Well, okay, not really soda. I don't like the taste of soda in my mouth. I think it's the corn syrup. It like sticks on my tongue and I hate that. Ick!

    But yeah, I'm right with you! :) Happy New Year and great post.

  8. Good luck with your goals. You can do it!

  9. Caledonia Lass is so great to at yoru blog again. Its been too long. I must follow you with my book review blog too, its taking up all my time.
    I'm with you on all those improvements you want to make because your's truly is in exactly the same predicament.
    So here's to healthier bodies and more writing.


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