
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Working Out The Kinks...

The Kinks, what a great band...

I got sidetracked right off the bat! It's been one of those kinds of weeks. I'm trying to spend some time working on my short story. I always tend to hit a roadblock, then stop writing and work it out in my brain for awhile. I did have a great epiphany as to where I want this story to go, I just need to push forward and actually keep working on it.

I'm also working on revisions for my second book, Veritas. AND even though I have those two in the works, I have plans to expand on the very short stories I wrote for WDC's ( Writer's Cramp contests. They are both very good stories, aren't related to my fantasy writing or my world for that matter and would go great in an anthology of things I want to compile.

Aside from all this and my work schedule, I'm trying to stay afloat and deal with financial issues. Seems like 2012 started off with a bang for lots of people and I got hit with the shrapnel as well.

Oh well. I'll make it through.

But as I was saying, aside from all of this going on, I'm trying to work out a Virtual Blog Tour. I have heard from several of you saying I can hop on over to your place when the time comes. I would like very much to join up with Michael Offutt as his book will be released in May as well. We have completely different genres, but my theory is The More, The Merrier. Even though we're selling different books, there is absolutely no reason why we can't do a tour together. If there is anyone else coming out with a book in May and they're looking to do a blog tour, I'd love to hear from you! We are a working community, after all and supporting each other is what we do best.

So drop me a line if you have a book coming out, or if you don't mind us hacking your blog for a couple of days. I'm also looking for some Blog Tour advice, do's and don't's... things like that. What do you suggest? What advice do you have?

Have a great week everyone!


  1. You're more than welcome at my place, Mel. Just let me know so I can put the kettle on.

  2. Aww thanks Jamie! Have I mentioned lately how much I appreciate having you around? ;)
    Same goes for everyone else, obviously. I'm very thankful for everyone's support. <3

  3. You know I'll host you and you are already hosting my Catch Fire party I believe.
    Diane at Spunk on a Stick posted a great checklist this week for setting up a blog tour - you should check it out.

  4. Yes I am, Alex! And I did go check out Diane's checklist, thanks for that!

    Thanks, J. A.! I'll add you to my little list. ;)

    Thanks everyone, I do appreciate your help and support. :D

  5. I appreciate Alex sending you to my post. I plan to do part II next Monday and hope it will help you with your tour.

    Livin' on a Thin Line is my favorite song by the Kinks.

  6. Gotta love the Kinks! I look forward to part two, Diane. All help is greatly appreciated!


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