
Monday, January 9, 2012

Working Through The Stress...

I want to say thanks to everyone who left comments on my last post. I'm trying to work through the stress of things. I even had a really cool, twisted epiphany on my short story, "The Wicked One".

I know everyone goes through some rough times. I know we're all allowed to vent on our blogs once in awhile. It happens.

So, I have a link here for the Hellfire Herald. This is the blog for the publishing company I signed on with. This particular post caught my eye simply because I write like this guy. You can read the post here.

Before you hop over to read it, let me tell you a little about it. Mostly, it is about writing style. I've told you all before that I am a Pantser. Quite like Elana Johnson. (Hence where that term came from, lol!) I write by the seat of my pants. My characters speak, the movie plays in my head and I frantically try to keep pace. Much like my comrade over on the Hellfire Herald. I write it all out and then later on, I look it over, find the story, the holes and polish that puppy til it sparkles in total darkness.

Okay, now you can go over to that post. I just like it when you linger a little longer over what I write. Have a great week!


  1. I couldn't ever write like that. I'm just too much of a planner.

  2. It's an interesting article. I see my novels much like a movie, but at the same time I am a plotter and write linearly. Of course, I wait until I view the entire movie (or at least enough of it) to begin writing, although the entire thing sometimes seems to download into my head. Heh, yeah, it's odd. :)

  3. I guess I'm a hybrid of sorts. Even if I plot out as much as possible, I end up giving way to the muse or what my characters tell me and end pantsing quite a bit for the first draft. But having some of the plot helps to keep me in a decent direction.

  4. I'm mostly a pantster too with a little bit of plotting.

  5. Yeah, I have to plot sometimes too, plan a little... but most of the time I am a pantser lol!

  6. I need to learn a bit of pantsing. I'm a planner but a procrastinator, so I fizzle out before writing has actually begun. I think I'll just wing it for the next writing project and see what happens.


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