
Monday, February 13, 2012

Is It Monday Again?...

At least that is what the calendar says... Hopefully the next few weeks will go by quickly. But not too quickly as February 14th is my 10th wedding anniversary. That day can go by a little slower so I can savor it.

Ten years.

Longest relationship I've ever been in and that includes pets...


So, sorry to all of you for kvetching so much about the weather up here. I suppose if I didn't like the snow this much I should have stayed in Arizona. However, I do love it up here when the sun is shining and I'm able to walk out the door with sleeves rolled up. Like today, as a matter of fact. (Sunday) It was a balmy 31 degrees, the sun was shining and things were good. Then before I left work, it began to snow again. But before the clouds rolled in, I watched the sunlight dapple the ocean waves and followed the lazy swirl of an eagle before it landed on the top of a pine tree across the street from my work. Those are the moments I have to remember. Those are the things that make living up here worthwhile.

Winter just gives me the blues sometimes and I'm getting that usual itch to be outside again. Everyone in town gets grumpier the longer the snow stays on the ground. I did promise you all a picture too, didn't I? It's from my cell phone so it isn't the best quality. This first one shows the sun on the peak across the bay. From my house you could barely see the wisps of snow being blown off the top and highlighted by the colors of the sunset. The second one was taken before snow fell way up at the top of the hill I live on and shows the Spit.

Okay, that's it for now. I have been working on my short story. So far I'm liking the way it is working out. I think I needed to switch genres for a bit and then hop back over into Fantasy.

Have a great week everyone! And Valentines to all.

1 comment:

  1. Happy anniversary, Mel! Hope you have an awesome day. Very nice photos too!


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