
Thursday, February 23, 2012


Hey everyone! I must apologize, this week sort of got away from me. I've been a busy girl.

Today I was supposed to post my interview with Laria, the lovely Elven Ranger from my book, Adversarius.

I have to postpone that until tomorrow, possibly Saturday. I WILL post it, though, so don't worry. I promise I won't leave you hanging.

I hope you are all having a great week and soon to be weekend! Woot! I've been a lurker these past few days, so if comments from me are scarce, I am still there.

See you all tomorrow!


  1. So, you've been lurking and trolling eh? That at least explains some of those flitting shadows and the damp footprints around the gazebo, although why there were the prints of just three fee,t from two different species and all of them left-feet is perhaps left unexplained. Hurry back.


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