
Saturday, February 4, 2012


Snow how's it going? Heh. My failed attempt at snow humor. It is difficult to find humor in the snow unless someone has spelled their name in it with pee... but sometimes even that isn't funny.

I've just been working a lot lately and it seems like every night I've had to close this week, I've had to trudge through the snow. We have had a couple of blizzards, one right after the other and most of the snow plows in town can't seem to keep up. Funny thing is, the harder it snows, the more people show up to get gas. Emergency mode kicks in and everyone goes nuts.

As for me, if it is going to snow and I get blocked in, I call a cab. Let them deal with the idiot drivers. I don't worry about running out of food, because quite frankly, I can walk to the store if need be and so far these storms haven't lasted for more than a day or two.

I've lost weight as well. I kept sitting here wondering, "How the heck am I losing weight?" and then one night at work, while using a shovel to get the 4 inches of snow off the lids of the dumpster it dawned on me. Oh yeah... that's why!

I'm looking forward to Spring simply because I'll be able to catch up on my sleep! It seems as if even my days off contain a workout of some sort to either get to the bank or store.

I think I am done complaining for now. After all, I DO live in Alaska. But seriously, this is the worst winter we have had in the last ten years. I feel like I've heard this before. Maybe every winter is the worst winter for me. I think I need to look into moving back to warmer climates. Hope you are all doing well and have an awesome weekend! I may go build an igloo. :D


  1. Meanwhile, we've been really warm here.
    Hey, at least you're getting extra exercise, right?

  2. Oh man - I feel for you. I seriously hate snow and go into a major depression each winter. Luckily - our snow has been minimal this year. Like WAY minimal, which is crazy for the state that's supposed to the "greatest snow on earth." I'm not complaining though. Right now there is only snow in the few places that don't get any sunshine. I can live with that. Hope spring comes soon for you though. :)

  3. We got our first snow of the Winter here yesterday - some quite respectable drifts. I've kept it behind glass and managed to cobble up 4,000 words of the next short offering instead of building a snow-typewriter or ice-bookshelf outdoors. What a wuss!

  4. Every time I go out to do the outside trash or to sweep, I say I'm getting my cardio workout in for the day. ;)

    Leigh, you're lucky, but then again last winter was our mild one. bookshelf... nifty! ;)

  5. It's been warm here in Western Kentucky, too. In fact, we have daffodils blooming and I have a number of bushes and my magnolia tree budded out ready to has been an amazingly mild winter. That suits me just fine, too. Anyway, your post got a few chuckles from me. I love your sense of humor. And...reading this post tells me why I haven't heard much from you lately, my friend. Take care and stay bundled up. (How the heck did you end up in Alaska, anyway?)

  6. Haha! Well, Carol, to make a long story short, we moved because Larry got a job up here when he really needed it. We were broke, running out of options and quite frankly had no where else to go. Best decision we made, now we're looking to move again. Much as we love Alaska, neither of us can handle the winters much anymore as we both have arthritis along our spines. But we need to have some really good jobs to go to before we move, so we're looking. :)


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