
Monday, March 19, 2012

Writerly Quirks...

When I write, I have to have complete silence, except for my music of course. I can't be distracted, which is why I like to be away from things like the T.V. I can't always have my way, though. Also, I'm a stationary whore. I have certain pencils that I like, notebooks, folders, etc. I'm pretty adamant about what I get and half the time I don't use them, lol!

Lately, I've been talking to people and just kind of chit-chatting and a couple of them got on the subject of journals. One lady said she was hoping her journal she ordered online got to her in time as it was for a friend. He was almost done filling one and she wanted to make sure he had another so he could continue. "He's a writer, you know," she told me. No, I didn't know, but hey whatever floats your boat.

Another girl told me that she knew a woman who would only write in a certain type of journal and when she discovered they were no longer made, found one similar to it and bought five dozen!


I know we're a strange lot, we writers. But I didn't think really know how far quirkiness went.

So what are your quirks when writing? Do you have to have a specific brand of paper? Pencil or pen? Maybe you can only write at midnight? Tell me, I'd like to know!

Have a great week everyone! I'll see you soon.


  1. I've got a few quirks. As a lefty who was never taught to write in the proper lefty manner, I have a short list of pens I can use that don't end up in smudged writing and black stains on the side of my hand. As such, I tend to have a stockpile of the trusty Pilot P-500 (Extra Fine) pens.

    Other than that, I have the tendency to keep a legal pad or steno pad next to me, and when I get stuck, I start writing on that instead of the word processor. It usually lasts for about 3 sentences.

  2. I fairly easy when it comes to writing. I can write in a notebook or on my laptop, and I can do it with both the TV and music in the background. Can't quite play my guitar when writing though...

  3. It must be quiet. I've got to be facing a window... somehow that makes me feel like the inspiration is able to flow better. lol Great post.

  4. Personal quirks can be pretty interesting. I find that jotting notes about a story idea on Post it notes is a must. I'd say it's because I'm at work when some things just hit me, but there's other paper here too and Post it notes just feel better.

    Silly, I know.

  5. Personal quirks can be pretty interesting. I find that jotting notes about a story idea on Post it notes is a must. I'd say it's because I'm at work when some things just hit me, but there's other paper here too and Post it notes just feel better.

    Silly, I know.

  6. I like writing in little journals and have about a dozen on hand, but it doesn't matter what brand. I can't write in my office, though. I need to take myself away from the computer and sit on the couch or at our dining room table. I often say I am a distraction onto myself.

  7. @ Joseph ~ OOh a lefty! Yeah, I can imagine you might need smudge free inks.

    @ Alex ~ Come on, Alex. You're so talented you could play guitar while you wrote if you tried! JK. :D

    @ Vanessa ~ I'm sort of with you on the facing the window thing. I like being able to look out... dunno why...

    @ Angela ~ Post It Notes RULE!

    @ Diane ~ I don't mind writing things down by hand. Sometimes that's the only way I can get through a block. Otherwise, I have to be at the computer all the way.

    Thanks for sharing, you guys. I love it! And I don't feel all alone in my quirky little world. XD

  8. No quirks here - which is weird in itself because I have OCD.

  9. I listen to Iron Maiden when I write - I've conditioned myself to be more productive when they're playing.

    Also, your thing with stationary? I'm the same with notebooks.

  10. BIC biro and scruffy pad for those wake-up moments at night, laptop for all else away from people.

    My handwriting is so appalling that I often have difficulty deciphering anything I woke up and wrote in the middle of the night!


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