
Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Woo! That's right, you get a whopping two posts out of me this week! I wanted to post up here for some help.

I need something good to read!!

I've been reading a few things lately and even read "The Hunger Games" finally. I have to wait a bit to get the next two books in that series. In the mean time, got any suggestions? And go easy on my purse. I am just looking for some good books to escape into. I have finished the last of my good books and when I went browsing for some freebies, they should have been in the horror section, if you know what I mean.

I stopped reading a book about pirates (PIRATES, people) because the author made them say "I, I Captain".




Yeah.  Deleted THAT one from my Kindle ASAP! Sorry, there are just some things I can't take.

So drop me a couple of suggestions, please! I need some reading material. Thanks everyone!


  1. Cheap, worthwhile books... Well, I don't know if they're worthwhile, but if there are any of my books that you haven read yet, I'll toss you some coupons.

  2. Oooh! Jade looks interesting. I might like that. ;) Thanks Joseph!

  3. Okie doke. I sent the coupon. Hopefully to the correct address...

  4. I, I Captain? *eye twitches* I can see why you decided to stop!

    Alan Campbell's Sea of Ghosts is pretty cool, that's got semi-pirates in it. Plus a teeny bit of steampunk, magic and swashbuckling to boot :)

  5. Blood Faerie by India Drummond. I'll be reviewing that one on my blog in a couple weeks - it was excellent, btw and only $3.99.

    Also Spell of Enchantment by Jeffrey Beesler.

    So many good books out there, hard to choose just a couple ;)


  6. Thanks Jamie! And yeah, my eye began to twitch on that one as well.

    Donna, that series sounds good! I liked the series title right off. Who wouldn't love a Caledonian? ;)

  7. Have you read Cold Magic by Kate Elliott or Song of Scarabaeus by Sara Creasy? Both excellent reads. And yeah... the "I, I" would have me cringing as well!

  8. Those look good, Allison! Thanks for those suggestions. :D

  9. You are welcome! Let me know what you think of them if you pick them up :)

  10. You didn't specify genre! I read mostly fantasy. A good (and cheap) book is called 'The Riddler's Gift' by Greg Hamerton - he has a sequel out called 'Second Sight' which is equally awesome (IMHO).



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