
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Back To The Writing...

So I have been revising my second book. I have my little widget in the corner over there with the word count status.

I don't update that as often as I should. Or, I update it and then more inspiration hits and I keep working.

I have the drawing of Laria done. You have to forgive the bad picture, though. I took it with my cell phone and then tried to fix it on Photobucket. Meh.

At any rate, here it is. I used colored pencils and ink:

The original looks a lot better, obviously. The problem is the original size cannot be scanned in to the computer without professional help. It is larger than my scanner allows, so I have to figure out a way to get this taken care of and up on the internet to use on bookmarks.

A dilemma. Ah well.

Hope you have all had a good week. What are your plans for the weekend? Mine consist of cleaning the house, possibly re-potting my plant as it has finally taken off from a practically dead twig to a thriving houseplant. Now to just keep the cats away from it!


  1. Good on you for the writing and the artwork. Since the most I can accomplish is a stick figure, I'm always in awe of those who can do so much more :-)

    My weekend will actually be away from the computer. Not sure how I feel about that lol!! And my phone is too low tech to do more than a call or text message. So I'll be incognito for a few days.

  2. Way to get things done! My weekend is involving searching for an apartment.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  3. Have a good weekend, Angela! Look forward to your return. :D

    Oooh apartment hunting. Yay. XD Good luck!


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