
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Things You Should Know If We're BFF's...

So this week I am working on some blog posts to kick start my brain for topics. I am making more time to do blogs, now I just need content.

I hijacked a list from Little Miss Momma's blog while Googling for ideas and prompts. And, giving credit where it is due, I'm sharing a link to her page that gave me these great ideas.

One of the topics/prompts is "Things You Need Should Know About Me If We're Going To Be BFF's".

I'm a geek, you all know that. I have a cat named Osiris and one named Gir (from the cartoon Invader Zim). I even named a cat Osmirik, after the librarian in a series of books I read, which elude me at the moment. I'll have to figure that out...

The one personality trait I have the people love and hate is my honesty. I learned a long time ago that I didn't like lying. I didn't like how it made me feel, I didn't like telling people what they wanted to hear because it caused too much trouble and drama. I. Can't. Stand. Drama. It ticks me off to no end. I get a lot of it at work lately and I want to strangle the source. Gah! I don't even want to go there. But I will tell you what I think honestly. I have learned to be sort of tactful. I may tell you exactly what is on my mind, but if I think it will hurt too much, I just won't say it at all. My husband loves that quality, so do most of my friends. My good, close friends. But most people who I hardly know, absolutely hate that about me. All I can say is, sorry. I don't sugarcoat anything for any reason.

I like to drive fast. I do! I love it. I've gotten two speeding tickets... no... one ticket, one warning. So I have learned to slow down and be a good little driver, but if I ever get the opportunity to speed, I'm gonna! I want to go to race car driving school. Ooh.. I should have added that to my Bucket List post.

I'm a homebody. I like to hang out with my friends, but because of issues with stress and anxiety and other horrible factors of my past, I feel more comfortable at home. I don't like to go out unless I absolutely have to or can't stand sitting at home.

I'm horrible at keeping in touch with people. I am the worst aunt/sister/daughter/niece/insert-title-here. I don't quite understand it. I have the best of intentions to send cards, gifts and what not and end up just flaking it off. I completely space it out and forget! However, if I see my family and friends online, I'm all about chatting it up, commenting on their Face Book page or whatever. Even before the internet, I was a horrible letter writer. I mean, really. Pick up the phone to call! Not. I don't even do that, except with my mom. And when I do remember to call someone? Time zones throw me for a loop. It's like I have a disease or something. I'm horrible about keeping contact.

Well, that's enough for now. I have to save some for mystery purposes. Right? Absolutely! This may be a post topic I come back to often. Care to share your quirks?


  1. I hate lying too. I was going to post a detail, but I realized after I wrote it that it would be great for a story. Yay! :)

  2. I can relate to all of that. Especially the driving fast part.

  3. I'm with you on the honesy part, and the lack of being able to keep in touch with people. I find it really hard to maintain connections with people; I just plain forget about it.

  4. @ Tonja ~ Woohoo! Well, then, write on!

    @ Alex ~ I love driving fast, it's like flying low to the ground. :D

    @ Jamie ~ We should come up with a name for this sickness like noncontactitis or something lol!

  5. I can relate to much of what you've said except for the driving too fast part. :) My depth perception isn't the greatest, I feel out of control when merging with traffic, etc.

    I'm horrible at keeping in touch with people too. Thank goodness for Facebook birthday reminders or no one would get a happy birthday wish from me!

  6. I'm terrible about letters. Every Christmas, I always promise myself that I'm going to write thank you letters to everyone, but it never happens. I always get busy and forget.

  7. Weird, you just listed about all my own personality quirks.

    I think we'll get along just fine :)


  8. Mel,

    Too weird! Your description of yourself fits me to a wonder we get along so's a wonder that we are able to communicate with each other as regularly as we do! lol...


  9. I'm fed up with being expected to lie to make others feel better - I try changing the subject, but if that doesn't work, from now on they're getting the truth.

  10. Hehehe! You guys are the best. Made me laugh. Yep, we're all gonna get along JUST fine. :D


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