
Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Favorites, Fantasy Art & A Funny...

It's Friday, it's Friday! Well, doesn't mean much for me since I work 7 days a week with the paper route. Okay, 5 since Larry gives me two days off.

Still, Friday!

All right, I'll get on with it, oh, impatient ones...

Favorite Books/Authors:

Well, I only read one of her books in her series. The one in the middle, no doubt, but I absolutely fell in love with her book and characters. Seriously, book love at first sight, who'da thunk it? (Ha! Nails on a chalkboard to editors, that last sentence.)

Of course I am talking about Julie Kagawa and her Iron Fey series. The book I read was 'Iron Queen'. Totally. Epic. Book. 'Nuff said. I am fascinated with the Fey as it is. I love all the folklore, the stories behind the Veil. There are several books I have absolutely cherished and devoured several times over. One of them being 'War For The Oaks' by Emma Bull and the other being 'Faerie Tale' by Raymond E. Feist.

Favorite Movie:

Any of the Indiana Jones movies will do. I first saw Indy in the movie theater with my brother when 'Temple of Doom' came out. My brother thought I'd have nightmares and didn't want me to tag along because our cousin Paul had come to town and was taking him to the movies, but I begged and Paul agreed to let me go. I fell in love with Indiana Jones and wanted to be an archeologist. *Sighs* Good memories tied to that movie. It also impressed my brother who then made it his life's mission to make me into as big a horror movie buff as he is. Horror extended into all genres throughout the years and when I am looking for good music or movies, he's the one I go to.

Favorite Music:

All right. Here is a shocker for you. Ready? 80's flashback warning ensuing in 3... 2... 1...

Prince. Yep. Purple Rain. There are still quite a few songs of his I like, but Purple Rain is by far my favorite album of his. Again, a brotherly influence.

Fantasy Art:

This is called 'Edge of the World' and it is a wallpaper. Freakin' cool!

And the funny!

Yes, sweet kitty, yes it is...

You all have a great weekend! We'll see you on Monday.


  1. Thank you for sharing Edge of the World. It captures the mystery and breathtaking grandeur that is the fantasy genre.

  2. Indiana Jones are classic. I don't know how many times I saw Raiders growing up.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  3. Yes, I love the Edge of the World picture! And I watched Raiders a lot as well. When the third Indy movie came out and featured River Phoenix as a young Indiana, I thought he was perfect! Then he died. Booo! He would have made a most excellent replacement for Harrison Ford later on in the movies instead of Shia what's-his-face. Oh well.


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