
Monday, September 24, 2012

A Week Of Me...

Yes, you read that right. All week long, I'm going to be spotlighted on the Word Weavers page on Facebook.

I know you have some questions, so I will answer best I can.

Q: What is Word Weavers?

A: Word Weavers (for those of you who remember me talking about it a few times) is a group dedicated to writers. We support, promote and well, support some more. This is the group I was a part of a long time ago that designed those Author Trading Cards. Well, the cards are back and so is the group!

Q: So what's the spotlight thing?

A: Once a week, we're spotlighting an author. Either an established one or a newbie.

Q: So what's going to happen all week long?

A: Well, Monday will just be a day of links on where to find the author, their website, their blog, Twitter, Facebook, etc. At least, this is what is happening for me. On Tuesday, we'll have a Q&A day. Wednesday will be a link to my blog, the one I do on World Building. Thursday will be a sneak peek from my book, Adversarius, that I won't be posting on my blog.

On that note, here is the link to the Facebook page, Word Weavers. So I leave you with that. Drop by and check out where you can find me today, even though most of you are already pretty good stalkers. Share the page, share the love, support an author!

And before I go, I do have a question for anyone who is proficient with Photoshop or the like: Can someone please help me fix my drawing of Laria? I'd like to be able to use it for bookmarks, but the coloring is so washed out and I can't afford the materials I need to make it work. If you are able to help, you know how to contact me! Thanks!


  1. Hope I can follow here since I'm not on Facebook.

  2. Hey thanks for mentioning that, Alex. I realize lots of people aren't on Facebook, so I may have separate posts during the week with highlights from the week-long spotlight. I know a lot of people don't like to use Facebook.

  3. Consider me followed. I loved the author trading card idea, shall look forward to what's in store this week :)

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom


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