
Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday Favorites, Fantasy Art & A Funny...

Another Friday in the new year. Already into February, too. Wow!

Well, before we get started, my book is on this list on Goodreads: Best Strong Female Fantasy. If you've read it, please vote for it! I'd appreciate it. Last I checked, it was on page 6, but who knows by now.

Now since that is out of the way, let's get started.

So I know lots of you enjoy humor, so Jon Zech is my favorite this week. Now, just to remind you, I haven't read a lot of these new to me authors, but Jon and I are buddies on Facebook through Word Weavers. I'm all for giving a shout out to my pals. So if any of you get this book and read it, please leave a review. This is currently in my TBR pile: "Buck and Tangee: Things That Happened".

Seriously, just the blurb alone is enough to make me want to dive right in, but honestly, I have a couple books in my queue I'm trying to fly through for reviews. So go check it out. If you get a good laugh out of something in the book, then it's worth it, right? Right!

Okay on to the rest. Fantasy Art. OMG I love this picture. My husband loves turtles, so I grabbed this for wallpaper:

I have two funnies for you today, just because. Can't help it. I love LoLCats!

And this one is just because I laughed by butt off after seeing it:

Hope you didn't soil your armor! Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. That last one made me laugh!
    Very cool about being on the Goodreads list. Off to vote.

  2. That turtle wallpaper is very cool! Have a great weekend :)

  3. congratulations on the Goodreads! And the pictures are funny. I like the one of the turtle too. :)

  4. congratulations on the Goodreads! And the pictures are funny. I like the one of the turtle too. :)

  5. I wish I had someone to play D&D with down here. I kind of miss it. But I don't want to be a Dungeon Master. That's too much work. I want to just show up with my character and have someone else do all that stuff.

  6. @ Alex ~ Lol, that should read, "Laughed my butt off", but yes, I laughed out loud at that one for sure.

    @ Mark ~ I really like that wallpaper too! Have a good weekend as well!

    @ Al ~ Thanks, Al. Glad you enjoyed the pics.

    @ Michael ~ I hear ya, I want to play D & D again but don't want to dive in as DM right away. I'll take my turn, but it isn't how I want to start. :D


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