
Friday, June 21, 2013

Fave Friday & Funnies...

Hooray for Friday! Woot! Woot!

Gaming night! Er... um, Friday faves and funnies, uh day. Yeah, that's it. And NO, I won't be gaming, I'll be um, revising. Yes, absolutely.

Before I forget, there is also this going on, Sunday:


Hope you all had a good week. Mine was part taking it easy and part running around trying to get paper work done.

And downloading Scrivener. Yes, I gave in and stopped trying to become part of the soil with the other dinosaurs.

So Scrivener is becoming a fave of mine rather quickly. I have to use it sparingly until I can afford to pay for the full program.

I also have been doing some reading. I read this:

I have to say I loved it. I'll do a review of it later. I got it while it was free, but you can get it for your Kindle for $1.49. That's like, what, a cup of coffee? Make your coffee at home, buy the short story.

I'm also loving GIMP these days and learning how to do stuff with it. I'm looking at making some animation so, yeah, watch out. I might get all 'hi-tech' on ya. Uh huh. Pfft.

Sorry, I'm also a little loopy. I get goofy (er) when I get sleepy. And sleep and I have not been on speaking terms the past couple of days. Tell the Sandman he's fat, just once, I dare you. Won't sleep for days...

All right! On to the funnies you so patiently wait for. Either that or you just bypass my gibbering mess and go right for 'em. Who can blame you? It's Friday, you wanna have a laugh.

Ninja kittehs! Attack! Have a great weekend everyone! What are your plans?


  1. We always did our gaming on Saturday nights. (Back when I could stay up past midnight.)
    Approve of the the Ninja cats!!

  2. I get a kick out of the ninja cat ones. They're always the best. But that Star Wars one... pretty funny!

  3. GIMP took me ages to get my head around; I think I was too used to Photoshop.

    Love the Str Wars pic; Gizmo needs a cameo in episode VII for sure :)


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