
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Saturday Silliness...

Okay, so my internet was down for a day due to some messed up wires needing to be replaced. I about panicked, hoping I could be back online in time for Monday's Blog Hop! So glad they were able to get to it MUCH sooner than I expected. Sometimes, things move slower in summer in Alaska, than they do in winter. Hey, we've been cooped up, we want to play!

However, I was unable to get my Friday Funnies up for you all, so I am posting Saturday Silliness. The giggles will commence shortly. First, I need to say thank you all for your supportive comments. I didn't mean to worry anyone, but I wasn't the one with the medical issues. It was my 19 year old son. A few weeks ago he had some chest pain when breathing and ended up going to the Dr. only to find out he had a partially collapsed lung. We STILL don't know what caused this, but he's a tall (six foot four, I swear), skinny kid. He's healthy and had just started his first job right out of high school. They were taking x-rays every day for a week. Things began to look good and then he went back and found out that his lung was having issues re-attaching itself to the cavity wall. They admitted him to the hospital, did a CT scan and found a cyst on his lung. So they medic-vacced him to the Anchorage hospital and he had surgery Thursday. They discovered some cuts and small bumps on his lung, so they stapled them shut then forced the lung to re-attach (with staples or stitches, still not clear on this) and are keeping tabs on him.

Hence, my stress. We should be able to pick him up in a day or two, hopefully. But now we're faced with post-poning our move to Washington until he's on his feet, both physically and financially, and it has taken it's financial toll on us as well. So, send more good energy this way. Maybe I'll find $10,000 on the side of the road. But if I drop off the face of the earth after Monday, sadly it means internet's been shut down and I'll get back on as soon as possible.

But, now I need a good laugh, so here are your funnies:


  1. These funnies were just great. Thanks for making me laugh. Jedi cats were cool.

  2. Last one is great.
    Glad your son is all right now. Too bad they couldn't find the issues sooner.

  3. Good to hear about your son.

  4. Yeah, Alex, I like the last two and the one with Leia and the Disney princesses. xD

    Thanks Donna. :D

  5. Darth Vader - the galaxy's worst middle manager.

    Hope it all goes well with your son too, Mel. Fingers crossed he'll be on the mend soon :)

  6. The Disney princesses is funny.

    Cynthia @ The Sock Zone

  7. Thanks for the laugh, Mel. These were great!

    I hope your son heals quickly and you'r well on your way to Washington....

    It's scary when our kids have health issues at such young ages. Thankfully they found the problem and he is well on his way to making a full recovery.

  8. Thanks Jamie and Michael. I know he'll heal fast enough, but it's been a stressful couple of weeks. Thanks for your kind thoughts. :)


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