
Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday Faves & Funnies...

Ooh yeah, it's Friday! It's Friday! Do the happy dance! You know you want to. Well, then again, you probably did it on WEDNESDAY!

Am I right?

'Course I am.

So I have a couple new fave authors. I got sucked into a book so bad Wednesday night I didn't go to sleep until like, well, let's just say early morning. Like, 7 a.m. kind of early. It was actually two novellas that I read. The first was decent, but this was the one I could not put down:

"Waiting Fate" by W. B. Kinette

This was an awesome read. Have to say, it sort of hit close to home for me as well. Granted, my situation was NEVER this bad, but still. There were a couple of things that really resonated and I made a connection to the main character, Ivy. It was free when I downloaded it, now it is $2.99. Not a bad price.

I also finished "Gravity's Revenge" by A. E. Marling. I will be putting up a review of that soon, along with "Waiting Fate" and "Witch Weigh" by Caroline Mickelson. Another good novella.

And at the risk of sounding like some boring infomercial, you can sign up for Amazon's Prime and get a free 30 day trial. Then you can borrow some good reads for free. I've got a link up there to the right. And yes, I get something for each sign up. I'm currently unemployed and have to supplement my income for awhile by pimping out my blog. Which is better than the alternative, because, frankly, I don't like to ask for help.

So enough of that! On to the funnies! This is what you all wait for with bated breath...

No. Not really. You just like a good laugh at the end of the week like I do.  So here's a couple for the holiday! I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July and continue to have a safe weekend.


  1. I'm not even going to ask what that otter is doing...

  2. ha there are so many lines for that futurama picture :)

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  3. I love the cat pretending to be a human :)

  4. I've thought about getting Amazon Prime. Haven't taken the big plunge yet though.


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