
Monday, September 30, 2013

Many, Many Thanks...

I want to thank everyone for all of the retweets on Twitter, or sharing of links on Facebook or where ever. The two days I gave my book away for free, I had over 280 downloads.

I've sold a few copies of my book since then and I've gained more followers on Twitter.

So thank you, everyone, who helped me spread the word. I appreciate the help and support!

Now I'm just waiting to hear what the reviews will be. Who liked it, who hated it. Doesn't matter, really. I'm stoked! I've shared my gift.

One thing I've learned in all of this, Twitter is a very powerful promotional tool. I try to keep track of things I've tweeted, the ones that seem to get the most re-tweets and the most laughs.

Several of the tweets I used this time around were things like, "I don't claim to have perfect #writing. But I tell a great story. If you like #highfantasy, give "Adversarius" a try." or "#wecandateif you're an Elf. Otherwise, not happening. ;) #free #kindle #ebook get it quick!"

Fun things like that. After it went back to being $1.99, one of the things I tweeted was, "My book is no longer free, but you can't beat $1.99, even with a stick. Well... you could, but you'd look silly".

I try to be funny. I try to use trending hashtags or ones that I have looked up that pertain to my book. And of course, I always make sure I link to my book. helps with shortening links.

But yeah, seems like every time I tweeted a "good one" my downloads increased. Lots of my friends shared my link on Facebook. Some of them shared with the groups they belonged to and that helped a lot.

I certainly promoted my butt off in two days!

Again, thanks to all of you who helped! I'm planning on a one day giveaway on October 11. It's my birthday, but I'll be the one giving the gift. So if you'd like to help me spread the word yet again, I'd love it. And of course, I'd appreciate it.

Work will resume on book two soon. I tried Scrivener and loved it, so that will be my present to myself. I'll be getting that soon and then I can get right back to work! Yay!

Hope you all had a good weekend. I'll see you soon.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Powerful Scenes...

I was helping out with dinner the other night.

Okay, so all I did was pull the leaves off of the cilantro. But still!

While pulling off those leaves, my mind suddenly began to crank and turn as it usually does when I'm right in the middle of something messy...

And a scene was born.

Mind you, this is for book three. Not TWO, but THREE.

Just so we're clear on that.

But the scene was so powerful, and the images formed in my mind so effortlessly, so seamlessly. I was floored.

Then, I had to talk to two people in particular. First being my husband. It involves Black Rose, the character he had created and allowed me to use for these books. Then I had to hop on Facebook and message my friend Liz, because it involves Laria, who is her baby.

Would they do something like this?

The response was affirmative. Which made it even better, because that means I know these characters (and people) that well. But I suppose it really shouldn't surprise me when a powerful scene plays into my mind, yet it always does.

I'm very thankful to have this gift. I'm also very thankful that I finally got over my initial shyness and have decided to share my gift with all of you. It is something I told my daughter, once, when she was hit with nerves about performing in front of people. (She sings and plays guitar.)

I told her, "Honey, you've got an amazing gift. But no one will ever know unless you share your gift."

So if you're just getting into the writing biz, please share your gift. Even if you inspire just one person, then it won't be for nothing.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Okay, NOW It's Free...

My apologies to everyone. I think I goofed on the schedule and it is listed to be free the 24th and 25th. I was just a day ahead, that's all. I got excited.

So today and tomorrow, "Adversarius, Shadow of the Rose: Book One" is free on Amazon.

Let's try this again, shall we?

Please click here and spread the word!

Monday, September 23, 2013

New Links & My E-book Is Free...

Hey everyone!

Hope you had a great weekend. I know most of you don't exactly like Mondays, but I have something that will make your day a little brighter.

My e-book, "Adversarius" is free today and tomorrow until midnight!

You got it.

I'd love if you could please share the link and the fact that it is free for a couple days. I'm currently working on some things to get the promotion ball rolling. I also have a couple of Adversarius related projects in the works and as things progress, I'll be able to give you much more detail.

One thing I have going on is Jeanne Stumbaugh (the link is to her Facebook) has asked to do some character sketches. I'm allowed to share them all with you when she gets them done.

Another friend of mine is helping me with the audio book.

And the other thing is a surprise. I don't want to give too much away on the off chance it falls through, but I will let you know as soon as I am able to.

So as promised, here is the NEW LINK to the e-book. Free today (Monday 9/23) and tomorrow (Tuesday 9/24) until midnight PST.

And in about a week, I should be able to get back to my regular blog schedule. Have a great week, everyone!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

On The Self Publishing Path...

Well, I'm halfway done. I just finished getting "Adversarius" back up online at Amazon. You can click the link here.

You'll notice a new, low price of $1.99. I've always felt that an e-book should not break people, nor should it be the same price as a paperback. Once Amazon removes my book from their Createspace, I will be able to upload the reformatted book.

I have also signed up for KDP Select. I realize that I cannot sell my book anywhere else for a while, but that's okay, because starting Monday and going through until midnight PST Tuesday, my e-book will be FREE!

Yep! Free for those two days.


To say THANK YOU to all who have supported me, stuck by me and have helped me by reviewing or spreading the word about the first book of my series.

Once my time with the KDP Select is done, I will have it up on Smashwords, available in all formats and I will also be looking into getting it up on Barnes & Noble.

If you've read my book and have reviewed it once before, would you please drop by and leave your review again? I'd appreciate it very much.

Again, thanks to all of you who have been with me through the thick and thin of things. I'm still settling in, looking for work and trying to get book two done. I am trying to get back to my regular blog schedule. I miss you all and hope to get back to reading your blogs again as well. I feel lost in the blogosphere, I don't know what's going on!

Update me!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

YOU Are Awesome...

I want to thank everyone who chimed in last week when I announced that Hellfire Publishing was closing its doors.

I have currently reformatted my book for Create Space and have a friend working on the cover. I'm pondering what to put on the cover. Ships might be the winner, we'll see. I've got lots to think about. In the meantime, I am trying to get the Kindle format set up so I can use the cover I have until the other is done.

Would love any suggestions on that as well. Or heck, send me links to tutorials! I love to learn things like this on my own.

I changed the interior of the print book slightly. I went and read a blog on how to format for Create Space. Of course, have to see how it turns out.

So when the new cover is done, I will be using it for the e-book, print book, banners and bookmarks. I'm also going to be getting back into my jewelry and crafts until I get a job here in Washington.

Maybe I won't need to work if I can make enough. I'll be posting pictures and stuff when I get some things made. I've got lots of ideas and can make a lot of different things, it's just been a very long time since I've done any sort of craft/jewelry type stuff due to the two surgeries I had on my left wrist. I will be attempting to do some seed bead work, but if it gets to be too much, I'll have to just do other things.

I hope the start of the week has been good to you all! I'll see you all soon.

Friday, September 13, 2013

A Decision To Make...

I was contacted today by Hellfire Publishing, the ones who have published my book, Adversarius. They're going to be closing their doors and of course, this means rights will be reverted back to me.

So now I have a decision to make. Submit again? Or self publish?

I have an opportunity here to also maybe make some changes. But not sure if I want to do that. I know I've gotten a couple of criticisms on my writing, but who doesn't?

Here's where you all come in. I know that, ultimately, the final decision is mine to make. But I would love to get some feedback from you. Here is your chance to tell me what you really think!

Don't be shy, either. I've got a thick skin where my books are concerned. If I didn't, I wouldn't be writing!

So, self publish or resubmit? Tweak or leave it alone?

Ready? Go!

Monday, September 9, 2013

I Forgot...

Whoops! It's Monday, isn't it. And here I am, supposed to be getting back into the swing of things.

Oh well.

So we're doing well. Recuperating nicely. I've been helping out with weeding and making the driveway look nice where we're staying. We also have helped clean out the garage a bit and get things either to the dump or to Goodwill. We have a truck and strong backs. We'll do whatever we have to to help out.

It's been fun. We went to a Highland games on Saturday and I about drooled over everything. I think my eyes were popping out of my head even more. We had gone grocery shopping a couple days prior and hubby and I are still on sticker shock. Sheesh.

Sunday was spent cleaning, weeding and then relaxing on the front porch. Oh, and Saturday we grilled portobello mushrooms. I had mine on a bun like a burger. Yum!

So it's been nice. Both hubby and I have started applying for jobs. His first day out, he got a maybe. Not bad. I've got applications out and will be putting out more in the morning. Slow going, baby steps, but we're also spending some time learning the area. Fun fun!

How was your weekend?

Friday, September 6, 2013

Safe And Somewhat Sound...

Well, we made it to Washington from Alaska somewhat okay. Our first attempt to cross the border did not go well. I don't want to go into details, but it was a horrifying experience hubby and I will never forget.
Our second attempt went more smoothly, and our re-entrance into the states was a freakin' cakewalk.
Needless to say, we will not be traveling through Canada again anytime soon.
We had made calls, studied the websites for both borders extensively and were still appalled by what happened. All because of a toy. Yes. A toy. We are so very thankful for all of our family and friends who helped us and supported us. I don't know what we would do without them.
So now, back to writing, revising and my regularly scheduled blog posts. It will take some time, but I will get caught up with everyone soon.
Have a great weekend and see you next week.