
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Book Review: Words of an Angel by Savannah Rayne...

Title: Words of an Angel

Author: Savannah Rayne

Pages: 159 File Size: 1301 KB


Purchase: Amazon

Summary (from Amazon):

After losing her job at the local newspaper, Rayanne Bradley finally had the time to reach for one of her dreams—writing a book. What should have been an easy task end’s up getting off to a slow start, until the day her muse shows up. Now, whenever the masculine scent of musk mysteriously fills the air, her thoughts flow freely as she types them into what will become her book. As the manuscript unfolds, the mystery deepens and becomes entangled with coincidences. Could this be real? Had she met the long haired, sexy, man of her dreams? Could she believe and trust the words of an angel?

My thoughts:

Now, you all know I'm not much of a romance reader. But this was a good, fast read. It kept me up until 4 a.m. one morning, which is good. Books that pull me in and keep me turning the pages are the kind of books I love, no matter the genre. Savannah asked me to take a look at 'Words of an Angel' and I did.

I like Savannah's writing style. It's pretty concise and her characters are usually well developed. This is her first attempt at romance, and I think she did a pretty good job.

The story itself is different, and moves at a good pace. All of the characters are well developed. There isn't anything bad I can say about this story. The rating will say it all.

My rating:

4 and a half skull and crossbones.


  1. Ooh! That makes me want to go pick it up. Now where's that link... ;)

  2. This sounds interesting. :-) Adding it to my TBR list.


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