
Wednesday, September 17, 2014


They say it is harder to make a habit, than to break one. I thoroughly agree on that one. I hate to say it, but it was very easy for me to stay off the computer all this time than it was for me to stay on and get things done.

Lazy, some would call it.

However, with my computer monitor literally a foot from my face, well, trust me, after the first dozen headaches, you learn.

It isn't just my writing that has suffered, either. It's my social media, especially my blogging, my gaming, my outlets. I don't remember what most of my World of Warcraft or Guild Wars 2 characters look like anymore! Well, I sort of do, I have logged in just to make sure they were still there. But still...

Sadly, having to take a hiatus was my only option. I didn't expect it, or I would have warned all of you. I don't like it, which is why I don't like to talk about it.

But things are looking up! We may be able to find a place to move into by October. I'm so excited! I'll forgo any birthday presents, dinners, etc. to be able to move into our own place again.



I miss everyone.

Making jewelry has kept me sane. I do love to do that. I've also been writing some stories out by hand. At the very least, getting the major bits written down. There have been days, though, where I just couldn't stand it anymore and just HAD to write, so I sat here and revised book two until my head felt like it would implode.

I do have internet on my phone, now, but responding to blog posts just isn't the same. It takes much longer, and I get frustrated with it very easily.

So catch me up in the comments! Tell me what you are doing! What's the latest? New books? Anything?


  1. Hope you get into a new place by next month!
    I'm putting the final touches on my next manuscript before sending it to my publisher. And the IWSG announced we are putting together a book to celebrate three years.

  2. I hope so too! ::Dances::

    And holy cow, that is awesome news!! Congrats on the latest book. And has it been three years of IWSG??? Wow.

  3. Hope it all gets settled soon! I would have a very hard time not using my computer. The home stuff would be okay if I could manage to print out some stuff that needed editing, or else I'd write long hand or plot, but yeah--gaps in the social media end up hurting.

  4. It does, Hart. I feel like I'll be starting over with the blog and Twitter once I get back up and running.


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