
Friday, March 13, 2015

Final Scenes...

I'm well into the final scenes of "Veritas", book two in my trilogy. I've even sort of outlined them.


I know, right? This Pantser, outlining? Heaven forfend! (Really, spell-check? On forfend? It's in the dictionary!!!)


So like I said, hitting the end of book two and even have the majority of book three all planned out. Except the end. I think the voices in my head are keeping quiet on purpose. Waiting until I get there before revealing all to me.

Selfish much?

If any of you are on Pinterest, you can find me there. I have a board for my book with pictures of what most of my characters look like. Plus, I have a TON of fantasy art. I want to get back to my usual Friday posts, at the very least, but just show some of this fantastic artwork. I like the funnies, but hard to find ones that just about everyone will get and not go, "Huh?" over.

Any suggestions for an end of the week post? Leave me a comment, I'd love to hear your ideas!

Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Funnies are always good.
    Glad the series is all coming together even if you don't know how it will end.

  2. Thanks Alex! I do have a good idea of what the end will be like, just not all the details. All in due time. :D


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