
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Upcoming: Ladies and Gentlemen of Horror 2017

Hey everyone!

So, this year, like every other year, will see a new Ladies and Gentlemen of Horror anthology. It will be available, as usual, on October 31, 2017. There is an absolutely great line-up of authors this year! And the cover? It is stunning!

All proceeds from purchases of this anthology will go to the American Cancer Society like it does every year. In past years, on average, the anthology has raised around $100. However, they're hoping that as the years go on, that number will continue to grow.

I have here, in my hot little hands, the covers for the Ladies, the Gentlemen, and of course, the Ladies and Gentlemen combined. So you get to choose which anthology you prefer.

I also have the line-up of authors! Ready? Here we go:

There we have it! So look for it Halloween 2017, you won't be sorry! Have a great rest of your week!

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