Ooh, we're getting down to the wire, here. I'm counting down the top 5 books that left a lasting impression on me, and we're now at #2!
I won't kill you with a ton of commentary, we'll just get right to it.
Author: Melanie Rawn
Book Title: Dragon Prince (Series!)
Why this left a lasting impression on me:
I love, love, love this series. I stumbled upon Melanie Rawn all on my own, again, in high school. I took to her stories like a duck to water. such an intriguing story, unique spell-casters, and of course, DRAGONS!
You become part of the story right from the beginning. You follow Rohan and Sioned's lives intimately (no, not THAT intimately!) and watch as they grow as a couple, as rulers, as parents. Then you are drawn into the lives of their children as they grow as well.
These books stuck with me so much that I have bought the entire series, had to get rid of said series, then bought it all over again, just to have it. It made me sad when she started her new series, Exiles, didn't complete it, and has since gone on to other things. According to her website, though, the last two books of Exiles should be nearing completion.
Aside from all that, the Dragon Prince series will remain in my library.
Tell me about a book that has left a lasting impression on you in the comments!
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