
Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Switching Gears...

Hello everyone!

It's kind of fun to get back in the blogging business. I've missed it. I miss the community, the feedback, the discussions.

I'm trying to get around to reading posts again and visiting you all soon. Things are hectic!

So I'm looking for a bit of advice. I've switched my focus from the fantasy genre to horror/supernatural/paranormal. It has been a blast, except for when I creeped myself out late at night. Yeah. ::Blushes::

I am not giving up on fantasy, by any means. I learned a LOT from that experience and the ones that followed. My writing has improved, I've got formatting down to a science, I've made a lot more connections with cover artists and editors. It's great.

But, I do find it hard to switch gears. I'm glad I wrote fantasy first. It does help to fill in those fictional gaps when needed.

I've also toyed around with the idea of using a pen name, but I don't think I have the time or energy to maintain and alternate persona. I think the only difference will be "M. L. Chesley" for fantasy and "Mel Chesley" for my current genre.

Have you switched genres? How well did it work for you? What do you find most difficult? Easiest? How do you maintain an alternate persona?


  1. They are both speculative fiction in a way so I wouldn't think a pen name is necessary.
    I tend to stick to science fiction although for anthologies and others, I've written in a different genre.

  2. You're right. What anthologies? I'd love to check them out. I have all your books in my queue on Amazon. :D

  3. Good seeing you again! Looks like we both picked this month to step back into the blogging ring. Sometimes we need to do different things, and I'm making a shift to MG from YA myself. Changing markets is interesting. Thanks for finding me! :)

  4. Mel! I was totally stoked when I saw your comment on my blog. So great to see you around here again!

    So I write several genres, and until they conflict in a way that would alienate readers, I won't be using a pseudonym. Paranormal and fantasy are kissing cousins, so I'd say just go with it. You never know when paranormal readers will love your fantasy too, so...

  5. @ David ~ Yes, we did! It's good to be back and thanks for coming to comment! Wow, MG to YA! Good luck!

    @ Crystal ~ OMG you just made my day! I'm so happy to be back! And you're right, they are kissing cousins. Thanks for your thoughts!

  6. My pen name and real name have become so interchangeable with me that I manage it easily.

    Blogging has seemed kind of blah for me over the past months (even years). I'm feeling another surge of blog energy so hopefully I'll become more enthused about it.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  7. Hi, Mel,

    I agree with Crystal... I don't think a pen name is needed. I think using your initials for one and the other your full name will work fine. ALL THE BEST>....and HAVE FUN!

  8. Great to hear from you Arlee! I hope you do get out of your blogging funk. :)

    @Michael ~ Seems that is what I will be doing. Thanks for your comment! I appreciate it. :)

  9. I've kept my name for the various genres I write, but recently I did try publishing under a pen name. It's tough keeping up with two personas! Good luck. :)


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