Wait, we're not in jail? Oh! Sorry, must have been a high school flashback...
Ahem. So I have just started to follow a blog and the celebratory challenge of reaching 200 followers in addition to posting the 200th blog later on this week is for us to blog the month of April. From A-Z. Easy peasy. Right? Right-O!
Mary McDonald is doing it, the Bombastic Bandicoot (I love that...) is doing it, The Alliterative Allomorph is doing it. If you've done NaNo (National Novel Writing Month) this should be cake.
So take up the challenge, or become part of the cheering section! Either way, it is sure to be... well... a challenge. Pshaw, what did you expect me to say?
Oh yeah, easy peasy. Hehe!
Good luck!
hahaha we sure have our work cut out for us now ... I was thinking that I should stick to my alliterative quirk and try to blog using words starting with each letter. You think that's giving myself a real hard time??? lol hmmm
Aahahaha! Yeah, just a little, but it would be fun to see if you could do it.
Should I cheer for you?
I seriously will do my best! hahaha!
Hey! Nice post and now your officially on the blog roll. This has got to be easier than doing NaNo and blogging everyday all at the same time. It's gonna be interesting to see what every does with it.
Woohoo! No kidding, right? We don't have to even shake a stick at 50,000 words. I am going to take a page from your book and at least come up with categories in advance. :)
Ooh, congrats for accepting the challenge! I thought about but I'm not sure my randomness can comply.
Good luck - look forward to reading.
Thanks Talli. I'm slightly worried about my randomness as well, so we'll see what happens. But I can certainly try!
C'mon whatchew talkin' bout. A to Z is pretty random in the first place don't you think? Random is good!
Oooh yeah, this is going to be fun!! XD
Really, I can't wait. I've picked out my topics for the first half already. Since it was almost 2 a.m. I had to stop. :D
Random Alphabetizing. Is that like Jumbo Shrimp or Military Intelligence?
Woo, I better stop now before I get in trouble! :D
I'm picking up the challenge too! This should be really interesting to see!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. I look forward to reading your future blog posts!
Another challenger here. :) Looking forward to it! Joined your followers while I was visiting here.
Thanks Beth and good luck to you and you too, B. Miller! Should be some fun! Beth, I'll follow your blog too, I look forward to reading what everyone else comes up with. :D
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