Favorite books/authors:
Raymond E. Feist. I love, LOVE his book, "Faerie Tale". If you've never read it, make sure you find yourself a copy ASAP! Yes, it is about the Fey, the Seelie and Unseelie Court, Moving Day, Midsummer's Night, All Saints Day... and how faeries move about the world, where they choose their next home and chaos is causes for us mortals. I cannot get enough of this book!
Favorite movies:
Hmm... yet another movie I like watching over and over again is True Lies. I usually can't stand Tom Arnold, but this is the only movie I can tolerate him in. I actually think he's funny. Imagine that. I suppose that is what Arnold Schwarzenhammer does for people.
Favorite music:
I like just about everything when it comes to music. So... I am going out on a limb here and listing Insane Clown Posse. Now... don't hate me! I am a Juggalette on the inside. These are guys that you just can't take seriously because if you do, you'll hate them.
Fantasy art:

And now, the funny!

Have a great weekend and hope to see you all soon!
Like the funny! And True Lies was an awesome movie. I'm not much for Tom Arnold either, but he was good in that film. So was Bill Paxton.
ICP are insane. I hated them until I realised that they were a joke, then I loosened up. Magnets, how do they work?
@Alex~ Bill Paxton cracked me up.
@Jamie~ Yeah you just can't take those guys seriously. :D
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