Favorite authors/books:
I've mentioned Stephen King already, but now I need to mention Peter Straub. Why? Simply because of their two books they collaborated on. "The Talisman" and "Black House". "The Talisman" is what got me interested in Peter Straub's books. I still get thrills and chills when I recall "Ghost Story". Other books I've read were "Julia", "Shadowland" (Awesome book!) and "Floating Dragon". Those are the ones I can recall at the moment. I love his writing style. When I found him, I felt he was far creepier than King. Blasphemous, I know.
Favorite movies:
I recently watched "War of the Roses" again. It had been several years since I've seen it and I still like it. My favorite part is where she makes her pate and tells her ex hubby it was made out of his dog. Still a good movie after all these years!
Favorite music:
Cake! I love Cake. They're one of my most favorite bands EVER. The fact that their music is so diverse, no two songs sound alike. THAT is what I love most. I also like real cake, you know... chocolate, black forest cake...
Fantasy Art:
This is what I used to make my banner for International Talk Like a Pirate Day

And now the funny:

Excellent artwork! Straub's Ghost Story was good.
I've been introduced to Cake quite recently (it keeps getting played in the flat, whether I want to or not :P) but they're quite good :)
I hope you don't get sick of them. They're an awesome band. :D
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