So on with the favorites!
Favorite authors/books:
One of my favorite books, one I really should read again, is "Watership Down". I have to encourage my daughter to read it as well. Whenever we drive home from town or go into town, we always pass by this storage place that has a very large lawn near the road. There are lots of bunnies there. Now, these are not your typical Alaskan bunny mind you. These are bunnies that someone had as pets, then something happened and the bunnies were let out into the area. So they're all sorts of colors. And darn cute!
Favorite movie:
When I did the top ten WORST movies ever in Alex J. Cavanaugh's blog hop, I had listed all the sequels done to "Highlander". However, "Highlander" the original is one of my favorite movies. Granted it was cheesy and there never really was any explanation as to how they became immortals, but I liked the movie itself. No idea why.
Favorite music:
Concrete Blonde. Good group. As Halloween nears, I keep thinking of their song, "Bloodletting (The Vampire Song)". When we first moved to Alaska, my daughter was in middle school and had been dying to take guitar lessons. Well, she ended up with a built in teacher with my brother-in-law. She learned the bass guitar first and that song was one of the first ones she picked up. She then moved on to the six string and we now call her the capo queen. She likes to use the capo quite a bit in her recent works.
Fantasy art:
John Howe's "A Hobbit Dwelling". I love the hobbit houses, I want to live in one. Hehe!

And the Funny (Felt it was appropriate):

I wish I could convince The Wife to let me replace the front door of our house with one like Bag-End.
Wow. We have a lot in common. John Howe is my favorite artist, even above Alan Lee. I love Watership Down, but I like Richards Adam's books Maia and Shardik even more.
And Highlander is awesome. The first one.
I love the info about the bunnies. That would be so cute. And I wish I could play a guitar. it's a great instrument. Also, the window in that hobit house is exquisite. I would love to have one. :)
Hobbit homes! I want one. That window makes it seem so airy for something built into the side of a hill.
The last image fits you, I'm sure! The Hobbit one is incredible.
I really dug the first Highlander as well. Wasn't a perfect movie, but it sticks with you.
Yeah, I so want to live in a Hobbit house.
@Alex~ Yeah, it really does fit me, lol! Silly cats.
I want a Hobbit house too!
I love John Howe's art! If you want to live in a Hobbit house, move to Wales, we have them now :)
Those pesky Vikings are always messing things up :P
You don't mind if I tip your follower count to 200, do you? :)
Awesome post. Good to learn more about you. Found you on twitter. Glad to meet another high fantasy author.
Why thank you, David! Very nice to meet you and thanks for becoming my 200th follower. :D
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